03-23-2013, 06:49 PM
We are running a monthly $100 small community contest here on vBulletin.org (http://vbulletin.org). Get enough nominations to make it to the polls (top 5), and then get enough votes to win the contest. There are no restrictions on promotion such as rallying, just make sure you qualify. Nominations start on the first of the month and end on the 15th. Voting runs from the 16th to the 28th. April 2013's nominations start early (March 23rd) and end on the standard closing day.
Note that this contest is separate from the one in the vBulletin 3.x Forum (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=296447).
PayPal Account Able to Receive Funds
vBulletin 4 Forum
Less Than 100,000 Posts or Lowest Alexa Ranking 100,000
No Prior Community Contest Victory
How to Enter
Submit your community's:
Name or Headline (up to 96 characters)
Description (up to 140 characters)
Forum Url
How to Nominate
Quote the nomination post and place a "+1" under it.
We are running a monthly $100 small community contest here on vBulletin.org (http://vbulletin.org). Get enough nominations to make it to the polls (top 5), and then get enough votes to win the contest. There are no restrictions on promotion such as rallying, just make sure you qualify. Nominations start on the first of the month and end on the 15th. Voting runs from the 16th to the 28th. April 2013's nominations start early (March 23rd) and end on the standard closing day.
Note that this contest is separate from the one in the vBulletin 3.x Forum (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=296447).
PayPal Account Able to Receive Funds
vBulletin 4 Forum
Less Than 100,000 Posts or Lowest Alexa Ranking 100,000
No Prior Community Contest Victory
How to Enter
Submit your community's:
Name or Headline (up to 96 characters)
Description (up to 140 characters)
Forum Url
How to Nominate
Quote the nomination post and place a "+1" under it.