View Full Version : Need some help 1) To find variables to translate and 2) to remove a link

03-21-2013, 03:25 AM
Hi, I'm a new user to vBulletin as an admin, and I have some questions:

1) When I log in as a "regular member" and I look at a message, the user who posted this message has under his avatar the following info:
Register date
Number of messages
Blog entries
Reputation power
I'd like to know where to find the "Blog entries" in the Translation / Phrases Menu, because I find a lot of "Blog entries" but I don't know which is the one that shows under the avatar for each post. (I have already tried CP -> Translation and Phrases -> Look for phrases -> Blog entries and a lot appear, I want to know which is the one that shows under the Avatar

2) Next question, in the same screen, same post, at the bottom row (where it shows the reputation link, the "report message" -exclamation icon-, answer, quote and multiquote), at the left there is a "post to blog" link. I want to remove that link since I disabled the Blog (In the navigation Menu you can only see "What's new" and "Forum" Links, I disabled the Blog, so I don't want the "Post to blog" link.

3) In the profile page, below the profile picture it shows the following:
Registration date
Current activity
Last activity
Blog entries
Same as question 1, I'd like to know where to find the "Blog entries" in the Translation / Phrases Menu, because I find a lot of "Blog entries" but I don't know which is the one that shows here. (I have already tried CP -> Translation and Phrases -> Look for phrases -> Blog entries and a lot appear, I want to know which is the one that shows here

Sorry if the name of the links are not correct in English, I am running a Spanish version of vB. I'd appreciate your help with this.

03-21-2013, 03:31 AM
1. According to the template, blog_postbit_entries_link, it is just the phrase called blog_entries.

2. If you disabled the blog, that link should not be showing unless it was manually added to the template in which case you need to ask the style designer how to remove it.

3. Again, it will be gone if the Blog is really disabled.

03-21-2013, 04:09 AM
Hi Lynne, thank you for your help, I have additional questions (from the previous post)

1) Where do I look for that phrase? I'm going to CP -> Translation and phrases -> Search phrase and look for Blog entries but I don't find the "blog_postbit_entries_link"
(I'm translating the menu myself since I'm looking at the spanish version)

2) Let me explain to you how I disabled the blog to see if I did it correctly.
I went to CP -> Settings -> Navigation Manager and in the right panel where it says blogs, I "unchecked" the active checkbox.
Even I'm running a Spanish version, the template is the Standard template, not a different one, so I assume it's just "translated text" pasted in the same template. I'm wondering why I need to contact the style designer if it's the same template.

Thank you very much!

03-21-2013, 04:33 PM
As I posted, blog_postbit_entries_link is a template. You would find it in Styles & Templates > Style Manager . But, you don't need to edit that template, I was simply telling you that that template is what controls the link and that the phrase listed in there is called blog_entries, so that is the phrase you need to edit.

If you want to completely disable the Blog product, you would do it in Plugins & Products > Manage Products > vBulletin Blog > Disable (do NOT click Uninstall!).

03-23-2013, 02:45 AM
Lynne, sorry, I can't find the phrases, I'm new with vB. I'm attaching 4 files to try to explain better what I'm trying to do.

The file named "1" is a post where you can see the "blog entries" in english (red circle #1) and the "post to blog" in Spanish (red circle #2). I want to translate circle #1 to Spanish and then make #1 and #2 "invisible" (for now I don't want the Blog product since I just launched the page, in the near future I'll use the blog).

The file named "2" I'm looking for "Blog entries". If I search for blog_entries (with "_") it says there's nothing. When I leave it as "Blog entries" it takes me to file named "3", but I don't know how to find blog entries here.
I'm looking for "blog_postbit_entries_link" template on the left side and it is not there. Need some help here.

In the profile page (file named "4"), it says "Blog entries" again in English, I want to change it to Spanish and then make it "invisible".

Is there a way to make blog related phrases "invisible"? or I need to Disable the blog product as you mentioned in your previous post?

I really appreciate your patience!

03-23-2013, 04:07 PM
Make sure when you do a Search in Phrases, that if you are searching for the phrase name, you select "Search in..." > "Phrase Variable Name Only" (default is "Phrase Text Only" which will give you 0 results when searching for "blog_entries")

You need to disable the Blog product, as I already explained, in order to make the blog phrases not show up.

03-28-2013, 03:46 AM
Lynne, thank you very much for your support, done!