View Full Version : Where can I find this file (env.js) in VB4 ?!

03-18-2013, 01:22 PM
I am trying to fix CKEditor to work with Internet Explorer 10
See here:

I need to modify this file (env.js) but I cannot find it in vb4.1.12

Although in VB4.1.10 announcement, see in "Modified files" there is (clientscript/ckeditor/core/env.js) but after I downloaded VB4.1.10 there is no folder named (core) inside ckeditor & there is no file with this name (env.js) !!

How they can modify a file which is not exist ?!!!

03-18-2013, 03:41 PM
I'm not sure, but I believe it's included in clientscript/ckeditor/ckeditor.js. I think a number of js files have been combined and "compressed" (by shortening variable names and taking out spaces) for efficiency.

03-21-2013, 11:28 PM
I'm not sure, but I believe it's included in clientscript/ckeditor/ckeditor.js. I think a number of js files have been combined and "compressed" (by shortening variable names and taking out spaces) for efficiency.

Additional information to the above:
It is combined in the two core JavaScript files ckeditor.js and ckeditor_basic.js.

In converting my vb4 to an adaptable layout for tablets, I was forced to use a similiar setup as vb5 and regress to a simple text-box with bbcodes for some odd tablet devices. This turned out to really save me when my company stupidly switched many of the desktops to IE10. This may be too hard for the basic vb guy, but really was not a difficult thing to do.

I have been tempted to update the Ckeditor, but that always worries me since I do not have the resources for a penetration test on the Ckeditor. I like tried and true before I put something as complex as a new Ckeditor version online. I might add more problems then I am trying to fix.