View Full Version : Wrap [IMG] tags around selected text - how?

03-12-2013, 08:51 PM

I've searched the forums for as mod or settings but couldn't find any regarding my issue.

I run vB 4.2 and I'd like to add or enable a button which will wrap [IMG] tag around selected text (image link).

Is it possible to do without any mods? If not, could anyone post a link to a specific mod?

Thanks in advance.

03-13-2013, 03:34 AM
You would have to make a custom bb code to do that. My vB forum already has [img] tags so I don't know what happens if you build your own. I suppose you could do the same thing and call it [pic] or [picture]

The necessary html is just

<img src = "{param}" alt ="image" />

You have to have an image for the button. I attached a mona lisa button