View Full Version : Help needed
03-05-2013, 12:46 AM
My site has been running slow and my host has told me that images could be optimized and content supplied from 3rd party is also dragging down speed. I have no idea how to fix this. He did give me a link to, but it optimizes each image and then gives a download link and I have no clue what images need run and do I replace the image with the one in the download link? Also the third party content was content delivered from servers other than yours and they have no control over their speed, or lack of. I'm not sure what third party content I could possible be using? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
03-05-2013, 01:38 AM
Some JavaScript (Yahoo! User Interface Library) is hosted on Yahoo or Google servers unless you specify otherwise.
Settings > Options > Server Settings and Optimization Options > Use Remote YUI
Set to "None"
Also check for remote jQuery
Settings > Options > Server Settings and Optimization Options > Use Remote jQuery
Set to "None"
Check for no-cache headers.
Settings > Options > Cookies and HTTP Header Options > Add No-Cache HTTP Headers
Set to "No"
03-05-2013, 04:43 AM
Some JavaScript (Yahoo! User Interface Library) is hosted on Yahoo or Google servers unless you specify otherwise.
Settings > Options > Server Settings and Optimization Options > Use Remote YUI
Set to "None"
Also check for remote jQuery
Settings > Options > Server Settings and Optimization Options > Use Remote jQuery
Set to "None"
Check for no-cache headers.
Settings > Options > Cookies and HTTP Header Options > Add No-Cache HTTP Headers
Set to "No"
Thank you , I indeed did have them set for google. They are now set to none. Any idea how to make sprites? lol
03-05-2013, 04:53 AM
Sorry, no.
03-05-2013, 05:17 AM
Sorry, no.
Well I appreciate what u did help me with. :)
Big Al
03-05-2013, 10:01 AM
<a href=" 50.6275.2-15j3j1j2.21.0.les%3B..0.0...1c.1.5.psy-ab.s5sru9VUFmQ&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43148975,d.dGY&fp=cceac92e96d47794&biw=1280&bih=790" target="_blank"></a>
Contains lots of information including a video tutorial it seems. I hope this helps.
03-17-2013, 06:46 PM
Your YUI files should be hosted on Google or Yahoo. It is unlikely their servers are slower than yours and most users should have these cached locally anyway.
Goolge and Yahoo will always have the latest exploits patched- if local you will need to update the files yourself if any exploits were found, and the only version with that update is 4.2.0.
If any 3rd party content was slowing you down it was likely Facebook. Turning off Facebook Connect and Like buttons will speed up your site if you have them enabled currently.
03-17-2013, 07:51 PM
Chatboxes will require queries, so they can slow sites down. So can an arcade or any other query intensive modification.
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