View Full Version : folder location for stylevars and templates

02-23-2013, 05:23 AM
Our forum is running on ver 4.1.4. I'm not very experienced with vb at all. I noticed that we had 148 templates out of date so I updated them. When I did we started having problems with a couple of the skins. I think the problem stems from a theme pack that was installed back in 2010. Anyway when i started trying to fix the problems they just got worse . I made an ftp backup about 2 weeks before I had problems. My question is what folder are the stylevars and templates located in and can I delete that folder and replace it with the same folder from the backup? We will be upgrading to the newest version in a month or 2 when the owner get some free time. Thanks for any help you can give.

Digital Jedi
02-23-2013, 05:54 AM
When you update vBulletin, your Admin CP will automatically list templates that don't match the current default templates as "out of date". You see, vBulletin kinda just assumes you're running a default skin, or that you haven't made a lot of template edits. It doesn't necessarily know why your templates are different, it just knows they aren't the same as what the new default templates should look like. So it'll warn you that you need to update, so you don't loose any functionality. But if you have a lot of custom style information in those templates, then reverting them is going remove all HTML style changes, which is why your forum will look funny. In cases like that, it's best to go through each template one at a time, compare what the new template should look like verses your existing one and edit them accordingly. Most of the time, if you haven't really found anything needed to be changed, you can just save the template as is, and the message for that one will go away.

Styles are stored in the database, not in files. So you cant retrieve them from an FTP backup. What you can do is simply re-import the skin XML files the same way you did when you first added them.

Also note, when we say you should always make a backup of your forum regularly or before major changes, we mean a database backup. This is where your forum's actual content (posts, profiles, threads, data, passwords, etc.), the meat and potatoes of your site, is actually stored. The files you uploaded via FTP aren't any different than when you first downloaded them from vBulletin.com.

02-23-2013, 06:52 AM
Thanks I understand what you are saying. I have a data base backup too. But..................there have been over 7000 posts made this month. So if I run that backup it will fix my styles but will remove a lot of hard work from my posters. Looks like the easiest out is to install some new skins and just delete the messed up ones. Before after I repair and replace the styles (skins) I will do a seletive backup of just the stylevars and templates.
Thanks for the quick reply.