View Full Version : Pound sign displaying as question mark

02-09-2013, 05:01 PM
Hello guys,

Just a quick one.

A lot of symbols on my website display as a question mark in a diamond.

Please can you advise me as to what I can do about it.

Something about languages and phrases?

Language is set to English US.

Click this link and you can see, just a temporary article to show you what is happening. http://www.musicgaff.com/forum/content.php?264-Pound-Sign-Displaying-as-a-Question-Mark

For me it doesn't always show. But it does normally, have tested in all browsers possible.


Dave :)

02-10-2013, 02:44 AM
This is what my browser shows me, are you referring to the string of question marks on the top?:


02-10-2013, 03:36 AM
is it for all users, or you? is your forum english-only? what is your post.pagetext database column Collation set to?