View Full Version : Non Admin - Approve Registrations

02-06-2013, 02:12 AM
Hi All,

As owner of a web business, vBulletin is an awesome system for a large elementary school private members area.

Please tell me about Open Registrations. We have this enabled.

If someone registers, is there a way that the school can approve a registration by email, without logging into the admincp panel

Or with a module or hack - is there a way they can do this without admin rights...

They have no need to access the admincp panel, but perhaps I can give them moderation rights or end-user rights so they can only approve registrations from their end.

Thoughts, comments, suggestions most helpful. Please let me know

Lee Roberts
02-22-2013, 08:03 PM

Your school staff should be able to do this via the MODCP and looking at the "Moderate Users" section, granted they would still need to login to this CP but it could be very quick if done right and would get things moving for you.

You would need to set these staff accounts up with moderator rights/access, this could be done with out them having/needing an Admin account and is the way vB was designed to be used.

A custom link in the email notification they would recive would speed up them going to the MODCP.
