View Full Version : Latest XX unanswered topics.

10-03-2001, 01:29 PM
Exaclty as seen on progresstalk.com

Anyone have this hack or is there one?

I have searched btw :D

10-03-2001, 01:50 PM
What would you like to order this by?
i.e Top XX latest threads with no reply?

That is quite easy to do:


// if you would like to select threads only from one forum,
// uncomment the following line and replace 1 with the ID
// of that forum.
// $whereforum="AND forumid='1'";

// how many threads would like to display?

// path to your vBulletin? (no trailing slash please)


$allthreads=$DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,title FROM thread WHERE replycount='0' $whereforum ORDER BY dateline LIMIT $threadnum");
while ($thread=$DB_site->fetch_array($allthreads)) {
if ($threadlist!="")
$threadlist.="<a href=\"$pathtovb/showthread.php?threadid=$thread[threadid]\">$thread[title]</a>";

Pretty adjustable to your needs methinks.

Just upload to your forum's folder, and include using SSI.

10-03-2001, 02:12 PM
Thank you very much Firefly! I am gonna try this soon :)

Thanks again!

10-03-2001, 03:15 PM
Hey I put in the code and called it new.php

I then tried to run http://www.wannabebigforums.com/new.php to test it before I incuded it in the forums and got a blank screen :(

Heres my php file..




// if you would like to select threads only from one forum,
// uncomment the following line and replace 1 with the ID
// of that forum.
// $whereforum="AND forumid='1'";

// how many threads would like to display?

// path to your vBulletin? (no trailing slash please)


$allthreads=$DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,title FROM thread WHERE replycount='0' $whereforum ORDER BY dateline LIMIT $threadnum");
while ($thread=$DB_site->fetch_array($allthreads)) {
if ($threadlist!="")
$threadlist.="<a href=\"$pathtovb/showthread.php?threadid=$thread[threadid]\">$thread[title]</a>";


10-03-2001, 03:17 PM
also out of curiousity how hard is it to make it the last XX threads in the last 24 hours?

That might save some old unanswered posts showing up?

Just wondered, may chose to keep it like it is :)

10-03-2001, 03:23 PM
LOL, I am so dumb. :p
Forgot to echo the stuff. ;)




// if you would like to select threads only from one forum,
// uncomment the following line and replace 1 with the ID
// of that forum.
// $whereforum="AND forumid='1'";

// how many threads would like to display?

// path to your vBulletin? (no trailing slash please)

// timeframe? (in hours)


$allthreads=$DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,title FROM thread WHERE replycount='0' AND dateline>='$datecut' $whereforum ORDER BY dateline LIMIT $threadnum");
while ($thread=$DB_site->fetch_array($allthreads)) {
if ($threadlist!="")
$threadlist.="<a href=\"$pathtovb/showthread.php?threadid=$thread[threadid]\">$thread[title]</a>";

echo "$threadlist";

(include last 24 hours)

10-03-2001, 03:40 PM
would this interfere with tubedogs top xx posters?

Its just I get the new.php working fine..

So I add this to phpinclude..

$noreplytopic = ob_get_contents();

I then use $noreplytopic in one of my templates and it shows the top XX posters ???? So I had top xx posters twice??

10-03-2001, 03:41 PM
my fault.. I am stupid..

I copied the php include from the topposters one..

D'oh I feel stupid now ha ha

10-03-2001, 03:42 PM
ok I changed it to new.php

I then got this,..

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare stripslashesarray() in /home/wbbforum/public_html/global.php on line 10

Any ideas?

10-03-2001, 04:30 PM
sorted it../

Removed the require global from the php file..

Andy R
06-11-2002, 04:15 AM
What about listing all forums except hidden (moderators) forum?

Can that be done by uncommenting the $whereforum line & excluding a certain froum?

06-11-2002, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by organic-hosting
What about listing all forums except hidden (moderators) forum?

Can that be done by uncommenting the $whereforum line & excluding a certain froum?


$allthreads=$DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,title FROM thread WHERE replycount='0' $whereforum ORDER BY dateline LIMIT $threadnum");


$allthreads=$DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,title FROM thread WHERE replycount='0' AND (forumid=X OR forumid=Y OR forumid=Z) ORDER BY dateline LIMIT $threadnum");

(Replace X,Y,Z and if you need to add more forums use "OR forumid=N" format)

08-09-2002, 11:16 AM
Thanks all.

how would i modify this to specify the forumid in the url?
i.e: http://yoursite/vb/new.php?&forumid=3

08-21-2002, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by MalaK_3araby
Thanks all.

how would i modify this to specify the forumid in the url?
i.e: http://yoursite/vb/new.php?&forumid=3



$whereforum="AND forumid='".$forumid."'";

However this may not be a good idea if your users are allowed to use this script since they can access hidden forums with this method..

01-16-2003, 12:35 PM
SOrry i dont follow this, could someone please put it simply for me? I am quite lost :(


01-17-2003, 11:46 AM
Please............... Someone

01-18-2003, 04:24 AM
May I offer an alternative? This is the one I use, works great.