View Full Version : Working on a new theme...again

01-16-2013, 07:23 AM
For some oddball reason for almost a year I could not hit my forum. GD figured it out finally and I'm back diddling around with it.
I know not every one gets off on purple but I want to dabble in a different color for a change. My mod like it. She says it shows I'm in touch with my feminine side. :eek: NOT HARDLY...
Any way what's left is the icons, control buttons, and the pagination. I hate the way the pagination works. You move the top one and the bottom moves with it.
Anyway here it is > http://animeappeal.com/forum.php?styleid=125
ANY comments are welcome.

02-08-2013, 05:22 PM
I'm not a big fan of anything purple but, the Black and gray looks nice.

02-10-2013, 12:02 PM
On my screen I see a lot of pink in that header...

02-11-2013, 02:40 AM
Yeah I found some free images at a graphics site and used one. I just flipped the image over and stitched it to the right. I then made it the header background with repeat-x added in.
I didn't plan on keeping it but between having a falling out with my graphic savvy mod and running this hotel, I haven't really given it any thought.
Maybe GaryT could pitch something out there. Hint Hint...

GaryT > I didn't make the black and gray theme. I got it a while back at the mother ship (vbulletin.com). But I have tweaked the stuffings out of it. It's since done a disappearing at at vb.com replaced by something similar.