View Full Version : Replies DON'T add to post count?

01-13-2013, 08:14 PM
Hi. I have a certain section on my forum that requires a user to post in order to "activate" their account and let them see the rest of the forum. However I DON'T want people's post count to raise when they reply to threads in this section.

How would I make it so only when you create a thread in a forum, it will raise your post count, but if you reply to a thread it doesn't? Big thanks in advance :eek:

01-14-2013, 12:05 PM
vbulletin only lets you control that by forum, so I don't think there's any way to do that except with a mod. But if what you're doing is using a promotion to move members to another group when they have 1 post, then I think it would be easier to have a plugin that moves the user when they create that first thread.

01-15-2013, 12:57 AM
But if what you're doing is using a promotion to move members to another group when they have 1 post, then I think it would be easier to have a plugin that moves the user when they create that first thread.

Oh, could you link me to such a plug-in? That'd be awesome! :D