View Full Version : BBcode "code" probleme

01-10-2013, 12:32 PM
hello all

is it possible to create a tag bbcoce "code" => [code] [/ code]
that does not interprete html when html is enabled in a forum.

Here is my problem in picture:

when not active html, here is what I have in a topic:

active if the html here is what's going on:

the idea is to have a html enabled in subjects, but not in the tag "code"

(photoshop montage)

So is it possible to either disable the code in the interpretation
and then have a tag that makes the mm thing to add to the cpadmin

sorry for my bad english
thank you to you

01-10-2013, 06:26 PM
A mod like that may be possible, but you can also use ....

01-11-2013, 12:07 AM
if you can help me change the current mode of what I would like that fits me in or create a parallel, too.

html actually works as I present
HTML has two problem:
the first, the colors used are not see on a black background
the second, a lateral scroll is firefox then it is not present in Chrome

Yet the css is the same ....

Here in the picture:


I would like to have the afichage chrome to firefox .... (with no color)

in fact, the tag will have the same behavior in firefox and chrome (the chrome currently no scroll)


and I'm not sure but I warn you (you never know) because I'm not very strong in coding
but I think in the template html bbcode there one night too} or {less


bbcode_HTML (origin):
<div class="bbcode_container">
<div class="bbcode_description">{vb:rawphrase html_code}:</div>
<pre class="bbcode_code"<vb:if condition="$vboptions['codemaxlines']"> style="height:<vb:if condition="$blockheight<=$vboptions['codemaxlines']">{vb:math {vb:math {vb:raw blockheight}+2}}*{vb:stylevar mid_fontSize}}<vb:else />{vb:math {vb:math {vb:raw blockheight}+1}*{vb:stylevar mid_fontSize}}</vb:if>;"</vb:if>>{vb:raw code}</pre>

thank you for your help

01-25-2013, 01:47 AM
Hi Zoul,

I'm not sure if I can help much, but I will try.

I guess you need to add this code to your css:

overflow: auto;
overflow-y: hidden;

also this one for IE:
-ms-overflow-y: hidden;

for changing the background color, you need to know what css used in that block so you can modify its background to different color you like. You can use firefox browser to check the code and what it is by " right-click / Inspect Element" on the area where the code it.

I believe that would solve you issue.

PM me if you need anything else.

Cheers :)