View Full Version : Reset the first post and user registration date?

01-06-2013, 09:50 PM
Is there a way to reset the forum time i guess is what i'm asking?

I've been working slowly on my forum for the last 6 months with myself and 3 other members, writing information on the forum and articles before going live.

what i want to do is to activate the forum and make it look as fresh as possible by showing that all the first posts and registrations have just occurred. Is there a way to do this?

01-06-2013, 09:55 PM
For the users, you can go to the user manager and edit each user and set the join and last activity dates. For the threads and posts, you would need to modify the timestamps in the database. (I know there's the post dateline and the thread lastpost and dateline, but there might be others).