View Full Version : A few questions regarding editor looks

12-25-2012, 04:35 PM
Hi, I JUST got vBulletin the other day, so I'm really newbie with this kind of stuff.

I have a few questions,

1. How do I change this window to just look like the user's browser window?


And if not, where would I go to change the colors/look?

2. Where do I change the colors of the text box, and the button backgrounds?


(In quick reply and full editor)

3. How do I change the color/look of these buttons?


Sorry if that's too much to ask, if someone could just point me in the right direction, like a vBulletin guide for style editing and such, that'd be great! :D Thanks in advance

12-26-2012, 03:33 AM
The best thing to do is install firebug which is an addon for firefox. It helps you see exactly what CSS is changing the style for a particular element. Then, you can do a Search in Templates for it and see what the CSS says.

You may be interested in this article - How To: Find the correct StyleVar/LayoutVar to edit (https://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?342847-How-To-Find-the-correct-StyleVar-LayoutVar-to-edit)

12-26-2012, 04:12 AM
Thank you!

--------------- Added 1356555254 at 1356555254 ---------------

I hate to double post/bump, but I have one more question. How/where do I go to change the announcement images? None are showing up for me and I have the images in my theme folder, do I need to put them in another folder? Any help would be great o: