View Full Version : How can I have 50,000 forums

12-20-2012, 07:57 PM
Hello to all,

I would like to know how can I have 50,000 forums in vBulletin ... Until now, I have achieved to do 5,000

But that is the max number.

I heard someone did a hack one day....


12-20-2012, 09:45 PM
I would not suggest 50,000 forums. I think the most I have seen where the server didn't protest was about 10,000. I'd suggest using prefixes. Also, with so many forums, it is just impossible for a user to navigate, so prefixes are a much better choice.

Lynne Sands
vBulletin Support Staff
vBulletin.org Admin

12-20-2012, 11:54 PM
I would not suggest 50,000 forums. I think the most I have seen where the server didn't protest was about 10,000. I'd suggest using prefixes. Also, with so many forums, it is just impossible for a user to navigate, so prefixes are a much better choice.

Hello Lynne,

Thank you for your answer.

You have a much deep knowledge of the software so I think you can give me very good advice.

My website uses the forum in a different way (not as I seen in usuar vbulletin sites) ... users are not supposed to see FORUMHOME never.

I have multiple forums but they are all landing pages ... I mean ... users land in one forum but they cannot navigate to other forums.

This "landing forum pages" are forums thought to be used to discus a very particular subject and nothing else.

What do you think?

12-21-2012, 04:41 PM
What are these forums going to be used for? If someone reads Forum A, are they likely to also be interested in Forum B and Forum C (or Forum X or Y or Z)? And are any of these forums related at all? Like Category A would have stuff you are saying you want in Forum A, B, C, etc?

12-24-2012, 06:37 PM
Thanks Lynne,

This is the path a user might use to do a purchase and how the forums are used:

1. User lands on index
2. User searches for an article (the article has the product info and price)
3. User has a question regarding the product and clics on a botton "Ask a Question About this Product".

The link sends the user to do a New Thread in the product's forum, example:


4. A product manager anwers the question (he comes back and buys).

5. The user can also go to the forum to see other other questions of other users from the article, he can also suscribe to the forum if he wants to give other users feedback about the product or answer other users their quesitons.

I use one forum/category container for the 60,000 sub-forums that is a link. So the user is redirected to the site's index if he clics on the container link in the breadcrumbs.

Users that might suscribe to the product's forum are the providers, other customers or dedicated staff of the company.

What do you think? what could be the problems using vbulletin for this?


--------------- Added 1356384216 at 1356384216 ---------------

BTW: Marry Christmas!!!

12-26-2012, 03:40 AM
It all sounds good except the 60,000 forums part! Honestly, I see sites slow down with over a 1,000 forums. I would probably split it into a lot less forums and then hire a programmer to use tags (probably better than prefixes in this instance) for all of this. Basically the code would need to make it so when a user wants to ask a question, and they came to the new thread page from a specific product page, it gets tagged with that product. And, when a user wants to search on a product, they end up doing a tag search instead which would bring up all threads about that product.

12-26-2012, 03:25 PM
Thanks for your advice lynne.