View Full Version : Trouble changing URLs for my forum

12-17-2012, 02:29 AM
We currently have a Xenforo installation (which I've turned off) in our /forums/ directory, and the vBulletin version that I've imported all of the data to in the /betaforums/ directory.

I'm having trouble getting the URL to change at this point and I can not figure out why. In the 'Site Name / URL / Contact' area, I've changed the 'Forum URL' to: http://[site name]/forums. After that, I rename the /forums/ directory to /forums_xen/ & the /betaforums/ directory to /forums/.

I then reload the forums under [sitename].com/forums & it redirects me to something on my main site. If it doesn't do that, it adds a /s/ before the /admincp/ when I try to reload that. Any advice?

12-17-2012, 12:22 PM
Can you post a screenshot of the folder name in your server space and the forum url in the acp settings? Can you double check it in the db as well and see if the change has been implemented there as well?

A link to your forum would be useful too.