View Full Version : Thread (Title) proper format Mod - check

12-10-2012, 07:25 AM
Hi, some of my sub forums require poster to keep speciffic topic title like "Sitename - siteurl.com"

I need vbulletin Mod which will check newly added topics in certain subforums whether they are posted with proper format. if not, topic starter will be notiffied & wont be able to submit.

Also other checks would be handy, like in certain subforums, check whether topic title/topic text does contain some unwanted character/s

Is there any such vb mod?

12-10-2012, 03:26 PM
I don't know if there's an existing mod, but it wouldn't be a very difficult plugin (I know, it's easy for me to say that...).

Anyway, using hook newpost_process you could check $foruminfo['forumid'] and $post['title'], and if it's not acceptable call $dataman->error('errorphrase'); (where errorphrase is the varname of a phrase with your error message, which you'd have to create in the Phrase Manager).