View Full Version : Could I have some advice please!

10-01-2001, 11:13 AM
I wonder if I could have some advice please, I'm about to do some mods for registration so it uses our existing registration system which will link to the vbulletin registration.

I'm thinking that there maybe some sort of guidelines about writing these mods with respect to upgradability and modulisation (sic).

I do hate to modify tried and tested code any more than I have to. :)


10-03-2001, 11:47 AM

10-03-2001, 11:50 AM
I am not 100% sure what you are attempting to do nor sure of what you are actually asking?

10-03-2001, 11:57 AM
Hello, Thankyou for replying,

The vbulletin registration is cookie based, but my company already has a cookie based registration system, I'm going to be modifying the vbulletin one to use the one we currently have.

That is not my enquiry though.

What I would like to know is if anyone has written or posted a set of guidelines about writting modifications for vbulletin. I'm hoping for something like;

the easiest way to create mods without modifying to much exisitng code is.......


mods written this way will give the least problems when vbulletin is upgraded......

thats the sort of thing I'm looking for.

Cheers for any assistance.


10-03-2001, 12:06 PM
basically no, because no one knows how VB will develop so it is impossible to say now what you can edit and what not.

The user system for VB is quite complicated, getting VB to use the database of another piece of software is not going to be an easy task, most people who have made these sort of modifications that I know off have done it the other way round getting their other software to use the VB registration information.