View Full Version : Custom You Tube Video Sidebar/Block

12-07-2012, 07:03 PM
I have tried a few things to have a sidebar/block that has a random youtube video displayed on it.

are their any tutorials i am missing or can someone help me with this?

12-07-2012, 08:04 PM
Are you creating a "Custom HTML/PHP" forum block? If so, you need to use "return" for your output instead of echo. Also, if you want it to change every time you reload the page you'd need to set the Cache Time to 0.

12-08-2012, 12:32 AM
So I simplified my code up a bit to this and it works, however, I'm not sure how to set the cache

12-08-2012, 12:57 AM
The cache time is a setting when you edit the block in the Forum Blocks Manager - you don't need any code for that.