View Full Version : How can I prevent new user fro posting for X days?

12-06-2012, 08:06 AM

I would like to create a rule:
After a new user registered he wouldn't have the ability/permission to post for X days (force them to read stuff before he posts something)

After X days he would be promoted to regular user (Registered Users as it appear in the default user group)


12-06-2012, 10:15 AM
Have you looked into the Group Promotion?

12-06-2012, 10:26 AM
Yes, I've created a new user group and a promotion rule for new users from the new group that I've created to the regular user group. The thing is that I don;t understand how where I can define that a new users will go to the new users group..

12-06-2012, 05:59 PM
You did it backwards. Your new group is where you would get promoted *to* not from. Users go into the Registered usergroup, then after x posts, they get moved to the New User group.

12-07-2012, 11:28 AM
So, if I get it right, I need to changed to permission of the regular Registered Users so it won't be able to post stuff and after X days I promote the user (using user promotions) to a brand NEW group that I need to create that is properties are identical to the regular user group that I'm using today? Do I get it right?

If so I would also have to move all my users that are currently in Registered Users to the new group.. How do I do that?

Thanks :)

12-07-2012, 02:27 PM
So, if I get it right, I need to changed to permission of the regular Registered Users so it won't be able to post stuff and after X days I promote the user (using user promotions) to a brand NEW group that I need to create that is properties are identical to the regular user group that I'm using today? Do I get it right?
That's right, except of course the new group has the extra permission to allow posting.

If so I would also have to move all my users that are currently in Registered Users to the new group.. How do I do that?

If you go to the scheduled task manager and do "Run Now" for the User Promotions task, that should promote everyone who qualifies.

12-08-2012, 10:13 PM
Thanks guys!