View Full Version : vBcover says dump suhosin from centos install - thoughts?

11-25-2012, 05:31 PM
Bit of history. We purchased a product from vBocover / Lionel and immediately ran into issues.
103 replies back and forth via PM to find resolution on how to make this product work, his final solution was to remove suhosin.

Now, I have asked around and most of the feedback has been no and that we would be stupid to remove suhosin for one app.

We have ran all our sites / network with this centos & suhosin and this is the first time we have come across a product & company that wants us to modify our setup and stray from what works.

Hunting for further outside input on the matter.

By the way. No refunds.

Perhaps there are better cart solutions?

11-25-2012, 07:26 PM
Considering Suhosin is a safety net to protect servers from unsafe coding practices, I'd tell them to get their act together and find out why their product won't run with Suhosin and correct the problem from their end.

11-25-2012, 08:07 PM
Have you tried just modifying your suhosin setup? Sometimes it just needs a bit of tweaking to work correctly with other products.

11-25-2012, 10:36 PM
You can check your messages log in /var/log for the suhosin error w/ that program.

Verify that error_log is set to syslog in php.ini

11-27-2012, 02:06 AM
Dont remove suhosin. I did and spent a week with VB tech support and cpanel trying to figure out issues with server and forum issues. I rebuilt apache and then selected suhosin and it went back to normal.

Just my experience with apache.

As for the coder.. If we had an official mod directory like Joomla those guys would be weeded out through bad reviews. I have had several bad experiences over the past 10 years but in the end 99% are still good people with a few bad apples.
