View Full Version : To Image Host Or Not For SEO on Forum

11-20-2012, 05:50 AM
Hi all!

My forum is going to have a fair amount of images on it. Some submitted by me and some by others, I cant control what others do, but id like to maximize my SEO for the content I put on my site.

I am wondering if it would be best for me to host my images on a place such as Flikr, and use the img bbcode on my forum to add the link to my photo(s) from flikr on my board. Or would it be better for me to upload the image from my computer to my forums

Regardless, i will have my photos on flikr as another means of displaying them, but what i am curious about the most is, is there a difference in SEO if i upload from my computer to the forums or link from flikr to my forums for my photos

I am doing my best to properly label my photos as another means of SEO

Thanks all!
Lets here the ideas