View Full Version : Linking User Ranks To Forums

XGC Paravain
11-14-2012, 09:54 PM
<font color="DarkOrange">I need help with this one. I been working on this for 2 weeks and got one where whats bugging me is I know I can do this I seen this work before I liked it and I want the same.

I need a way to put add a URL to the user ranks "Usergroup Banners" I tried every thing and got no where im not sure if it a add on I didn't see any thing on it here here is a screen shot on the user ranks that I have on my profile mainly trying to make them short cuts to clan forums if some one can help me with this that would be awesome!!!</font>

11-15-2012, 12:26 AM
Well this is the wrong section, but I don't think what you want to do is possible with out recoding the User Rank to do something like that. IE, create a mod that works like User Rank but adds link tags to images. IMO, not the best way to link forum sections, NavBar tabs would be better.

XGC Paravain
11-15-2012, 03:14 AM
Its not a bad way I want my First Templar User Rank Banner so your be able to click on it and it will bring you to the First Templar clan forums same with all the other clans and the help desk banner the leader banners I know it can be done thats how XGC has there website and its a great feature. In less the usergroup banners are some kind of mod a.k.a addon and there forum banner is the user rank. one thing I know is the NavBar wont work for direct link to clan forums when you have 50 clans.

Where or who would I talk to about creating a Mod for this?