View Full Version : is there a "who has viewed my profile" hack?

09-27-2001, 07:17 PM
I'm looking for a vbulletin solution comparable to an interesting feature I saw on todays launch of beyondbricks.com's community (a site which could clearly use a copy of vBulletin! ;)

It allows you to see which members have viewed your profile recently and very quickly get a list of them, allowing you to look at their own profiles in return.

this would be very interesting for sites where people post their availability for work, and where the profile contains some kind of bio/skills information in particular

Anyone know of such a solution?

09-27-2001, 07:51 PM
nice idea!

09-27-2001, 10:10 PM
I and a couple of others have. counter ability.. where when the profile is viewed... it adds to the counter.. I don't think it would be that much more coding to do.. like a last 10 views.. thing.. but.. what if they are not registered.. or does everyone have it where you have to register to view profiles..

09-28-2001, 08:14 AM
I'm not so worried about unregistered users. It would be useful simply to combine those into a simple count perhaps so that when the registered member sees the information about who has viewed his/her details then they get the top ten registered users + a counter for unregistered (if they can see profiles) and a total count of views.

If there is already code to count views, I would have thought that it would not be difficult to add a rolling log of who was looking. (of course everyhting is easy when you're not a programmer and not doing it yourself! ;) )

anyone want to take on the task and give it back to the community?