View Full Version : Infraction for certain num. of posts in a certain forum?

11-07-2012, 08:32 PM

Is it possible to raise an infraction against a user after he reaches a certain number of posts in a certain forum?

To be more exact - we have a "Recycle Bin" forum, where all the crap is being moved instead of deleted. The "bin" is being auto pruned with 14 days post life. So the idea is, every user that's written enough crap (let's say 10 posts in the "bin") should be banned for a certain period of time (2 weeks for example). If that happens twice - we give him a month, and a third time - banned forever and ever until the Earth is turning.

Too much crap is being written last days and I really love when various stuff happens automatically. I've already looked for a similar mod, but I didn't find anything that could do the job. I'll continue looking.

Thank you in advance!