View Full Version : Country Hack

09-02-2000, 04:01 PM
Hi all!
I saw this cool hack @


you can choose a country, and in the thread?s your country flag is shown

how can i import this in my board?


09-02-2000, 04:15 PM
The operator of that forum doesn't post his/her hacks on here so you will have to contact him/her directly. I could easily make that hack if you can supply me with all the flag icons that match each country.

09-02-2000, 04:26 PM
That is a VERY cool hack...it'll only become more useful as more countries bring more and more people online. If someone can get permission to use the hack/flags, it'd be great. :)

09-02-2000, 05:28 PM
I'm sure the flags are available somewhere, I doubt the admin created all the icons himself. Just find me the flags and I'll make the hack.

09-02-2000, 09:15 PM
I have some

If you want them in a zip file just let me know.

I know I don't have them for all countries but if there are any more anyone wants I am sure I can sort them out.

09-02-2000, 09:27 PM
Where'd ya get em? :)

09-03-2000, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by rangersfan
The operator of that forum doesn't post his/her hacks on here so you will have to contact him/her directly. I could easily make that hack if you can supply me with all the flag icons that match each country. you'd have to contact AaronD (http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=719) who runs that forum

04-04-2001, 05:58 AM
Sorry for bumping old thread back on the top, but this would be definitely interesting hack.
Was it ever finished?

04-04-2001, 12:31 PM
I am also interested in this kind of hack. Is there any news at all about this hack?

04-04-2001, 12:56 PM
Have you try to make the hack freddie?

04-04-2001, 05:04 PM
As a matter of fact I was working on this :D

Of course I know nothing about PHP and such, so don't wait up for me, he he

04-06-2001, 01:02 AM
Ok, this is kinda lame, but never the less it works. Just to give you idea how to do it yourself:

in showthread.php around line 450 you have something along the lines of:

below add

create file flags.php in /whatever/path and inside the file use
$post[$field2] = ereg_replace("United Kingdom", "<img src=/path/to/your/flags/UK.jpg alt=\"United Kingdom\">", $post[field2]);

To get eg:
Location: London [flag image] instead of just flag edit your postbit template and add $post[field1] after Location: ...

04-06-2001, 03:59 AM
He thx you very much guy :D

04-06-2001, 04:37 AM
Thank you for the hack-it-yourself instructions, v0n! :)

04-06-2001, 03:12 PM
I found some good flags here:

04-06-2001, 06:53 PM

more simple :D

04-06-2001, 07:08 PM
nice! :D

Anybody have a program that can do mass-resize?
I forgot the name of the prog, and i dont have it anymore.... :o

04-06-2001, 07:28 PM
I think Paint Shop Pro might be able to do mass conversions/resizing but I'm not positive.

04-07-2001, 12:33 AM
i wouldnt be a fraid of converting the hacks from UBB
most of thier hacks they have over there were converted for thier board allso..
and i converted a few for ikonboard in which i seen this same flag hack also a few weeks ago and thought about converting it..

just dont use thier silly wordletts and other copy righted stuff..but the hacks are not thiers..
and if they try to copyright the imood hack wich they changed to mood then i think they could have a problem:(

04-07-2001, 01:13 AM
flags download:eek:

04-07-2001, 01:31 AM
the colors of some flags are messed up

04-07-2001, 01:36 AM
what do you expect? and dont blame them on me i didnt make them..they look good to me:rolleyes: :mad:

04-07-2001, 01:42 AM
haha :)

im ukrainian,

and if youre saying that this is the Ukrainian flag, then thats an insult to me :p

04-07-2001, 01:53 AM
well i wouldnt know, the only flag i know is the american flag :/ but it sounds to me that alll you need to do is change the names around if they are named wrong..
the flags look nice and small and clean other then that..:confused::mad:

04-07-2001, 03:09 AM
im not whining, its just as that if you look at the flag that i attached, you will see that the bottom half is orange, where as it's supposed to be pure yellow like this:

:eek: :eek: :eek:

04-07-2001, 03:38 AM
why doesn't someone just "borrow" the flags from here (http://www.flags2000.com/flags2000us/world.htm)?

04-07-2001, 04:22 AM
maybe the guy was color blind that made the flags:D

04-07-2001, 04:58 PM
Here's another site where you can find flags from all around the world:
World Flags Database (http://www.flags.net)

04-07-2001, 06:31 PM
Well we have plenty of flags...... now we just need a little code!!!

04-08-2001, 04:49 PM
Tell me what features you want and I'll make it. It's not hard at all. :)

04-08-2001, 08:50 PM
who can write it for vb11x?

04-08-2001, 10:50 PM
Well, PeF,
we want the hack to be exactly like its on this site:
there you can select the country when you register,
then i guess it would be nice if you can edit it in your profile later on if you messed up during the regitration, and we want the apprporiate flag to show up on every post that person makes like this:

thats it :)


04-08-2001, 11:21 PM
How about an option for state/providence flags?

04-08-2001, 11:29 PM
um.... are you crazy?? :)
i think that would be going too far though... :)

just my .02:

04-08-2001, 11:36 PM
I can see where if you had ALL Countries and ALL their respective states/providences it would be too much. My board is on an internal WAN throughout our company which involves only the U.S. Thus everyone would have the US flag. It would be a nice option to have their state flag shown instead.

04-08-2001, 11:43 PM
once this country hack is out, you can easily edit the hack to show states/provinces instead of countries

04-09-2001, 06:24 AM
Not a problem. The hack will be available on Wednesday 18:00 CET (Central European Time, GMT +1). ;)

04-09-2001, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by PeF
Not a problem. The hack will be available on Wednesday 18:00 CET (Central European Time, GMT +1). ;)

Thx very much :)

04-09-2001, 09:11 PM
:cool: Sweat:)

04-10-2001, 10:45 AM
I've done it!

Excuse me for shouting, he he.

But I've got a working country hack, and for someone with no experience whatsoever that's pretty darn good.
Mind you, it could look better, but that's just a matter of a little fine tuning...

Ok, am I going to post here what I've done? No...
And that's for the simple reason that I have no experience in programming (I said that before, didn't I?!). Just because it works doesn't mean it's good.

I'm trying to get all the changes I've done into a file (just a few changes though), and I suggest that one of the people here who really know what they're doing, have a look at it. Maybe they can make something out of it, or it 'll help them to some new ideas.

If you wish an example, take a look at this thread (full of blah blah):

Two things to notice:
1 - there's a flag after Location if I don't move it), for Admin,
2 - the other users show a dreaded red X cause the code is not ready :)

05-26-2001, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by Pingu
I've done it!

Excuse me for shouting, he he.

But I've got a working country hack, and for someone with no experience whatsoever that's pretty darn good.
Mind you, it could look better, but that's just a matter of a little fine tuning...

Ok, am I going to post here what I've done? No...
And that's for the simple reason that I have no experience in programming (I said that before, didn't I?!). Just because it works doesn't mean it's good.

I'm trying to get all the changes I've done into a file (just a few changes though), and I suggest that one of the people here who really know what they're doing, have a look at it. Maybe they can make something out of it, or it 'll help them to some new ideas.

If you wish an example, take a look at this thread (full of blah blah):

Two things to notice:
1 - there's a flag after Location if I don't move it), for Admin,
2 - the other users show a dreaded red X cause the code is not ready :)

:p :p :p

07-19-2001, 05:28 PM
:D :D :D Please Dose anyone have this code? I would love to use it on my forums.

Originally posted by george_proost

:p :p :p :D

07-19-2001, 05:57 PM
yeah i need it too :D

08-01-2001, 05:31 PM
Is this hack still alive somewhere?

08-01-2001, 05:34 PM
I don't believe it is, I'd really want to use it .....

08-01-2001, 08:31 PM
It's here:

08-02-2001, 06:55 AM
Mmm. I could also do with this hack.. been looking at it and have a small question?.

in the txt file it says

1 - Add to database-Table user, field named: country
( country varchar(50) NOT NULL, )
This should be after field: nosessionhash

could someone help with this.. i use phpMyAdmin to edit the database but am a bit lost here. could someone tell me what to put in each field. there are 7 fields alltogether



08-02-2001, 09:03 PM
This is what I have:
(see attachment)

08-04-2001, 04:07 AM
Thanx dude.. this will help a lot.:) one more thing does anyone have a zip with all the flags in that match the txt file..

09-01-2001, 09:16 AM
I just released a complete Country Flag Hack, with support for 221 countries (with associated large or small flags). Check it out here:
