View Full Version : Importing New Users from mailing list CSV or database instructions?

10-11-2012, 05:38 AM
I need to create new users (a lot) in an existing vB site.

Someone wants to import all their kickstarter backers into a special usergroup. I have the group set up and suggested just sending them all registration invitations and a link to where to join the special usergroup, but that was shot down.

Instead, they want the new users imported from a database of names and email addresses. How can this be done?

I've read a lot of the manual on Impex, but any advice would be much appreciated.

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In case anyone finds this looking to solve the same problem, this is the helpful advice I got:

Create a .csv file with three columns:

- username
- password
- email address

...and upload it to your server. Edit ImpexConfig.php and set the following to 'false'

$impexconfig['sourceexists'] = false;

When you run Impex, you should be asked where the file is - enter this and it should import the user information.