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05-17-2018, 06:15 PM
As the vbulletin versions have upgraded, yes, this vbShout hack has had other issues, but neither this nor any Dragon Bytes app ever worked perfectly with vbulletin 5.

As far as what version is mentioned in the header, this does not mean that the hack does not work with newer versions, just refers to what version of vbulletin was in effect at the time of the latest version of the hack. Also, with Dragon Bytes they are constantly doing "hot fixes" where they update the hack but update neither the version number of the hack nor the vbulletin version number referred to in the header, so as far as Dragon Bytes is concerned, that vbulletin version mentioned in the header means less than nothing.

Master Of Unive
05-18-2018, 05:39 AM
As the vbulletin versions have upgraded, yes, this vbShout hack has had other issues, but neither this nor any Dragon Bytes app ever worked perfectly with vbulletin 5.

As far as what version is mentioned in the header, this does not mean that the hack does not work with newer versions, just refers to what version of vbulletin was in effect at the time of the latest version of the hack. Also, with Dragon Bytes they are constantly doing "hot fixes" where they update the hack but update neither the version number of the hack nor the vbulletin version number referred to in the header, so as far as Dragon Bytes is concerned, that vbulletin version mentioned in the header means less than nothing.

The version in header is exactly maximum version in which the product would work well.
That means this product only supports vB 5.2.x, any versions above it are not guaranteed. Also you have no right to complain about free mod. This vB5 just do not support writing modifications, so you can't expect developers spend time and money to update it for free. Would you do it for free? If you paid for the mod you can ask for it on their site.

I'm no related to DBTech, but I just find it amusing to see people keep complaining about mods aren't working for their vB5 without understanding that vB5 do not have many mods. You choose vB5 and you have to live with it, or paid for custom work.

In Omnibus
05-18-2018, 11:07 AM
The version in header is exactly maximum version in which the product would work well.
That means this product only supports vB 5.2.x, any versions above it are not guaranteed. Also you have no right to complain about free mod. This vB5 just do not support writing modifications, so you can't expect developers spend time and money to update it for free. Would you do it for free? If you paid for the mod you can ask for it on their site.

I'm no related to DBTech, but I just find it amusing to see people keep complaining about mods aren't working for their vB5 without understanding that vB5 do not have many mods. You choose vB5 and you have to live with it, or paid for custom work.

dbTech left several of my clients stuck when they abandoned this project. When you spend time and your clients spend money to have a specific product and then the product for which they paid is no longer viable because the developers don't want to deal with software-specific issues it means you have to come up with alternative solutions for your clients at your own expense. If dbTech didn't want to deal with the issues this software presents they never should have developed products for it in the first place. They didn't develop several products first and then discover the software had issues. They knew the software had issues and developed products regardless, products for which customers paid in many cases. At least one prominent vBulletin 5 customer who spent a small fortune on the product and modifications recently abandoned it for a competing product, in no small part because the premium dbTech modifications he purchased do not work as advertised.

So, when you tell us that we should not complain about "free" modifications that do not work I tell you we have every right to complain. If you leave customers stuck over personal issues over which you have full control you deserve a negative reputation. Even refunding the money of paid clients does not resolve their need for functional products, which is specifically why they paid for those products in the first place. A lot of customers were left stuck and people like myself were left to explain to my clients why products I once recommended highly were a complete waste of their money. Try following that conversation with one about how they need to spend more money for another product or other products.

I can hardly wait until they get their knickers in a knot over the software they seem to be currently in love with and abandon those customers. It's going to happen. They just want to crank out half-assed products as quickly as possible for volume sales. Once the sales slow or stop they move on to the next product. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Master Of Unive
05-18-2018, 01:42 PM
In some aspect I could understand your frustration, but it seems DBTech is not the only party you need to blame because major responsiblity is of VB itself for not support developing mods.

Again, this is a lite (free) version so they have no right to complain, if you paid for it you can tell that on their site, they would give you more accurate answer. But personally, I don't think you can ask too much with couples of bucks because develop a major mod consume time and money upto hundreds or thousands. So If I was in their case that can only sell several licenses, I would drop it anyway. It goes the same for the others in software industry, because it's not all their fault but the platform itself. At least they guarantee it works for 5.2.x so as long as you don't upgrade, you're fine. But once you do an upgrade, it's no longer their responsibility to update major version.

But I agree with you that it is their fault for release a Paid version in a software they don't follow anymore, so I only talk about Lite version here. Then again, VB have bigger responsiblity, and you will need to live without free mods, or cheaper mod from now on.

05-18-2018, 01:46 PM
Master of Unive you are apparently not aware that DragonBytes does "hot fix" updates constantly, including many after their header was written, nor do you perhaps understand what this means. Looking back to my direct communications with Dragon Bytes, looks like they supplied me with a hot fix updated version of this and their other hacks as recently as May 2017. After they supplied these to me, they uploaded them here at vbulletin.org as well, without updating their header or their version numbers of their hacks. In May 2017, vbulletin was, I believe (feel free to do the research for me), at version 5.3.x Dragon Bytes has a complicated rationale for using hot fixes instead of updating the version number, again, feel free to message them to inquire on this too. As well their paid versions are currently the same as the ones posted here, taking into account the hot fixes.

Anyway, you are writing a lot here without saying much. Thanks for your input.

Master Of Unive
05-18-2018, 01:57 PM
Master of Unive you are apparently not aware that DragonBytes does "hot fix" updates constantly, including many after their header was written, nor do you perhaps understand what this means. As well their paid versions are currently the same as the ones posted here, taking into account the hot fixes.

Anyway, you are writing a lot here without saying much. Thanks for your input.

Do you even know what hotfix mean? You don't. Hotfix is a fix for serious bugs without changing the version number. It is not regular fix or cumulative update. Hotfixes have nothing to do with major updates, which is what you are asking for. Stop saying what you don't know. The fact that they keep release hotfix for an outdated product proves their responsiblity to not let customers in danger for bugs. But release a new version is a lot more.

Well, I'm write quite a lot because it is somehow painful to watch people keep asking for mods in a software not suitable for mod. Perhaps I should stop now. So good luck.

05-18-2018, 09:59 PM
Unfortunately, your input is so off topic and incorrect, that it would be a waste of our time to further discuss this with you. You didn't even read my entire post, and quoted just part of it. Thanks anyway. Your effort is appreciated.

But, you are absolutely correct that vb 5 changes so rapidly that it is hard to keep up with working hacks. However, my hack,
has kept up and still works fine with the latest vb 5 version as far as I know. And even though my header states 5.2.6 my hack works fine with 5.4.1

This one, too, works with the latest vb 5 versions:

so it is quite possible to keep up!

Master Of Unive
05-18-2018, 11:14 PM
Because I had quoted your post before you made an edit?

But you are right that furthur reply is a waste of time as you never look at the truth and apparently do not know the struggle to maintain major mods (2 you mentioned are not) in an environment which does not support it and has extremly minor user base.

Oh but if you want to see what means responsibility then here I've found a good explaination by DBTech coder

Oh, they removed old tracker as well as old issues.
http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBV-1300 This one is about third party login which requested in 2013 and only got a look in 2017. 4 years? And you want developers to keep waiting for them 4 years?
They removed it or hide it in the new tracker. I know because the issue was in my watched list.

07-16-2018, 10:28 AM
why has this mod not been closed since it dont work anymore unless youre using a old version of the software ?

07-28-2018, 06:56 PM
Hi, there are a issue with non english language.
If I'm using the default language I can see the shout time fine but if I'm using another language like spanish in the time I see H:i

Any solution?

08-22-2018, 03:30 AM
Since upgrade to 5.3.4 there is an error shown when trying to edit a shout:

"unexpected_error,Lambda validation functions no longer allowed"

so you can?t re-shout the edited version. it falls back to original shout.

Deleting a shout is still possible... just wanted to let you know.

Edit the file "core/packages/dbtechvbshout/datamanager/shout.php", change line:

'notification' => array(vB_Cleaner::TYPE_STR, vB_DataManager_Constants::REQ_NO, 'if (!in_array($data, array(\'\', \'thread\', \'reply\'))) { return false; } return true;'),


'notification' => array(vB_Cleaner::TYPE_STR, vB_DataManager_Constants::REQ_NO),

Fixed it for me ;)

08-23-2018, 02:52 PM
How come to every option that i click i have a white page?The options from the panel administrator they don't work. Thanks.

09-18-2018, 03:31 PM
When logging in via vbulletin's Facebook login, the login works, but it blazes past this momentary unexpected_error,security_token_guest


(there is no error when logging in regularly, without Facebook.)

I have noticed other times when the vB hacks will flat out prevent the Facebook login, and you must click the OK to go through the error, so there is something to this.

10-07-2018, 02:58 PM
Bottom line is that all of the DragonByte hacks for vb5 are slowly stopping to work correctly with later versions of vb5, and this goes for both their free versions here and their paid versions, none are being updated. Currently their paid versions are identical to the free versions posted here.

10-10-2018, 02:14 AM
Also, what's bizarre is that if you disable theDragonByte InfoPanels mod, then the vbShout add on starts having a "200 parser error" upon first loading, which disappears after a few seconds.

11-14-2018, 08:33 AM
5.4.4 - Not working

01-04-2019, 06:16 PM
5.4.5 Installation succeded, but the shoutbox is not showing after enabeling the widget on the main page of my forum.

02-14-2019, 12:53 PM
any updates for vb 5.5.0 ?

In Omnibus
02-14-2019, 01:47 PM
any updates for vb 5.5.0 ?

Considering this hasn't been updated in nearly three years I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

08-01-2019, 07:38 AM
Working fine on the latest VB5.5.3 :up: with php7.3

10-25-2019, 06:07 PM
Thanks so much for this awesome mod :) I installed the free version and it works perfectly, easily. I was able to find all the controls in my admincp intuitively. Excellent work! I tried to vote "Excellent" but this forum isn't letting me vote yet. Soon!

I just had two questions. One, I can't figure out how to edit specific shouts. I looked through all the controls and couldn't find it anywhere. Prune I can do, but editing one shout out of many, there's no controls for this that I can see. Anyone?

Second, I can't mention other users. I don't know if mentioning other users is part of the mod or not. If so, let me know and I'd be curious what to type in. Thanks so much. :)

12-06-2019, 06:42 PM
vBulletin 5.5.5

If you gettting an error "unexpected_error,Incorrect HTTP Method. Please use a POST request." when finding a user in the shoutbox then open \core\packages\dbtechvbshout\js\core.js.

Then find and replace.


ajaxCall('Lookup',instanceId,{'username':$.trim(us erName)},'GET');});

with this

ajaxCall('Lookup',instanceId,{'username':$.trim(us erName)},'POST');});

12-21-2019, 12:00 PM
I've installed the mod, but it is not showing.
i'm on vb 5.5.5, i don't have any error i don't know what to try to have it working?

Everything is ok now!
just the hour not showing correctly see image, what do i need to do please?

12-22-2019, 04:41 PM
I can't help you with a brand new install, but I have this on three vb 5.5.5 forums and the shoutbox works, including showing the hour of each shout.

12-23-2019, 05:06 AM
I can't help you with a brand new install, but I have this on three vb 5.5.5 forums and the shoutbox works, including showing the hour of each shout.
thx for your proposition, but it's ok now!
i needed to change date format on french language options.
working well now. ( vb 5.5.5)

01-03-2020, 08:06 PM
5.5.5 working but guest get error 500.

01-11-2020, 03:59 AM
5.5.5 working but guest get error 500.


02-07-2020, 05:59 PM
Hi, I'm getting unexpected_error,Incorrect HTTP Method. Please use a POST request.

I have vbulletin Version 5.5.2

02-07-2020, 06:01 PM
Hi, I'm getting unexpected_error,Incorrect HTTP Method. Please use a POST request.

I have vbulletin Version 5.5.2

See https://vbulletin.org/forum/showpost.php?p=2601399&postcount=522

02-08-2020, 06:19 AM
See https://vbulletin.org/forum/showpost.php?p=2601399&postcount=522

Thank you, but I am still getting the error :(

Edit, I fixed it by replacing all entries of the following in the file mentioned:


The broken style remains, however, how do I fix it?

Thanks so much for the prompt reply, by the way :)

02-08-2020, 06:44 AM
Thank you, but I am still getting the error :(

Edit, I fixed it by replacing all entries of the following in the file mentioned:


The broken style remains, however, how do I fix it?

Thanks so much for the prompt reply, by the way :)

Last Update of this addon was 4 years ago. And I think there will be also other problems with it.

02-09-2020, 05:34 PM
Sad to see that there is no update...

In Omnibus
02-10-2020, 12:31 AM
Sad to see that there is no update...

The developers were too busy watching child porn to be bothered with updating this mod.

02-10-2020, 11:17 AM
The developers were too busy watching child porn to be bothered with updating this mod.

You are a little hard with them @Omnibus

In Omnibus
02-10-2020, 02:11 PM
You are a little hard with them @Omnibus

You thought that was a joke? No, it was a true statement. I wouldn't use anything that supports kiddie porn even if it was the best, first, last, or only option. But that's just me.

02-11-2020, 06:29 PM
You thought that was a joke? No, it was a true statement. I wouldn't use anything that supports kiddie porn even if it was the best, first, last, or only option. But that's just me.

What are you talking about, this is a very serious subject.

02-26-2020, 11:07 AM
I looked in the css file and can't locate where to change the background color of the input area, any suggestions?

In Omnibus
02-26-2020, 01:01 PM
I looked in the css file and can't locate where to change the background color of the input area, any suggestions?

Yes. I suggest you not use a modification that was last updated nearly four years ago and is unsupported.

03-02-2020, 08:50 AM
Yes. I suggest you not use a modification that was last updated nearly four years ago and is unsupported.

Are there any better shoutbox mods for vbulletin 5?

04-19-2020, 07:47 AM
Is it posible to add a smillie button? :confused:

04-21-2020, 08:15 PM
What really irks me about all this is that when i was on VB4 for 10 years, Dragonbyte just sucked the money out of me for these plugins, literally thousands of dollars. I bought almost every product they had. Now they won't support me moving to VB5. So much profit from vbulletin then they just abandon us. Sure it would more convenient for them only to build for xenforo or whatever. What about your good customers?????

In the end I think VB5 is better than VB4 and has many better features, and familiar ones, than other forum software. Not as many plugins are needed because of the flexibility to develop or customize the VB5 platform.

I don't understand them constantly blaming Internet Brands for their own decisions.
Possibly they jumped in too quickly with VB5 plugins it looks like to me.
It is possible Internet brands bit off more than they could chew on the VB5 functionality.
But now it is mostly ironed out VB5 is very well rounded now without the errors at the beginning.

I think many more people are on VB5 than they think.
Many point to the number of plugins on this forum as a gauge to how many users there are.
They don't mention what VB5 has built in that eliminates the need for many old plugins.

I have two VB5 forums and may start a third. I would gladly buy 3 copies of shout box if it was updated. Plus all their other products. But now I am in the basket of VB5 deplorables.
I'm not clear why Dragonbyte didn't reach out to it's good users to gauge their future intentions?

05-07-2020, 01:04 PM
I am new to VB5 and installed this shoutbox yesterday. It shows everywhere but not on the home/mainpage. Also it does not do smilies eventhough the smilies option is check off in acp in the settings for the shoutbox?

Is everyone having that problem or am I doing something wrong?

Is there any other shoutbox out there?

05-07-2020, 03:45 PM
I have mine set so that it appears ONLY on the homepage. Works fine on several vb5 forums of mine.

1) As far as Emojis, how exactly are you posting the Emojis within the Shoutbox? When I try to post one via say the Control Command Space of a MacBook Pro, the actual symbol is transformed into the word Emoji in Shoutbox.

But then, if I try to post a Mac emoji within a regular post at vb5, it does not appear at all.

2) Then I tried a second test, I put a vb5 emoji into a vb5 post, of course it appeared, but then I copied it.
I WAS able to paste the emoji into a subsequent vb5 post, but when I tried to post the emoji into shoutbox, nothing happened - would not post.

Yes I have always had smilies enabled for my shoutbox but I have never seen one in any of my chats, maybe this feature hasn't worked in a while.

I did just notice that it was only after increasing max_input_vars in php / cpanel to 10000, was I even able to save and utilize an option like Alternating Colors.

05-07-2020, 04:23 PM
Okay I did some further testing. I couldn't tell you why, but on my test forum emojis do not work, but in my actual forum, same server, same settings, same directory/domain, MacBook Pro emojis appear fine and work fine within the shoutbox.

07-08-2020, 02:24 AM
My vBShout has gone invisible in my upgrade to vB v5.6.2. The modules are still there

Any idea on how to make it visible again?

07-11-2020, 02:00 PM
Drucifer, do you mean that the forum shows "Working"
at all times, as if the shout box is trying to load, and that the shouts do not appear in the shout box, because I am experiencing the same across all of my vb5 forums starting just very recently.

The shout box is there but it is empty.

In one of my forums, where I am logged in, it flags me as idle,

and in the ones where I am not logged in it looks like this:

What is strange is that I have done nothing to the forum as far as changes of settings lately. It WAS working on vb 5.6.2 for a while, then just stopped very recently.
Max_input_vars are set to 10000 across the board.

What this means is that the shout box is unable to load. Not sure if it has to do with vb 5.6.2 or some server settings.

Within Chrome browser developer tools, I see that it is trying to Fetch the shouts from
and is unable.

07-11-2020, 02:57 PM
VBShout is completely missing from the screen as if it wasn't installed.

07-11-2020, 03:05 PM
That's something different. I don't know what is causing that at your end.

The issue I describe is simply that it is unable to load the shouts, although the shoutbox itself is there, specifically, it is trying to Fetch from
and unable.

In your case you might want to look closely at all the files you deleted when you upgraded to vb 5.6.2 Perhaps you deleted one or more related to dbtechvbshout by mistake.

07-11-2020, 03:14 PM
I looked at my . . . . core/packages/dbtechvbshout/js/core.js and the dbtechvbshout sub-folder is missing.

07-11-2020, 03:27 PM
What exactly is missing? I am comparing a fresh download of this software from this thread with what is up there in my server and not noticing any difference yet.

At your end, maybe you deleted something related to DragonByte software when you did the upgrade to 5.6.2 - as you know every time we upgrade vbulletin the upgrade software prompts us to delete a number of files and directories that no longer are required in the upgraded version. Within that list are many pieces that are not "expected" to be part of vbulletin - because they are not! they belong to third party apps, like vbshout. Those pieces must be maintained notwithstanding the warnings.

As far as the issue at my end the only thing we changed recently, other than the upgrade to vb 5.6.2, was lowering the innodb buffer pool size from 4Gb to 2.5Gb (MySQL buffer pool setting). I am going to set it back to 4Gb and see if that makes a difference. We lowered it five days ago, but actually recall the shoutbox working even since then - it seems to have just stopped working two days ago. As far as the vb 5.6.2 upgrade, I did that three weeks ago so I don't think the issue at my end has to do with the vb 5.6.2 upgrade, as I am pretty sure shoutbox was working until very recently.

If anyone may get this working on 5.6.2 then we will know that 5.6.2 is not the issue.

07-11-2020, 04:06 PM
Do to my forum being hacked, the vB upgrade installer removed all folders from my website that was not part of the vBulletin original install.

I lack the knowledge of what folders were deleted. I was also told by the vB upgrader to remove his created directory, old stuff, immediately because its presence on my website might enable the hacker access. I did as instructed once I knew the upgraded forum was working.

I now know I will have to start over on all my added programs. Now I just need to find them all.

Has there been an upgrade to VBShout in the last two years?

07-11-2020, 04:09 PM
No the latest version is here. The official word from DragonByte is that they will provide no support for this mod, not since their last version, which is far older than just two years ago.

Let me know what happens when you get it all reinstalled. By the way, vbulletin installer does not remove anything - it just overwrites the old files - you have to do deletions manually.

So far, at my end, it doesn't work anyway, even after we toggled the mySQL buffer back to 4Gb.

Mr Peabody
07-12-2020, 04:11 AM
Then why are they still selling it on their site?

07-12-2020, 06:40 PM
If youre getting a spinning icon & a blank text box, its a server issue & its not loading js.

07-12-2020, 09:24 PM

07-16-2020, 11:53 AM
No the latest version is here. The official word from DragonByte is that they will provide no support for this mod, not since their last version, which is far older than just two years ago.

Let me know what happens when you get it all reinstalled. By the way, vbulletin installer does not remove anything - it just overwrites the old files - you have to do deletions manually.

So far, at my end, it doesn't work anyway, even after we toggled the mySQL buffer back to 4Gb.I get a yellow popup box with the word WORKING when you send in a shout.

You have to disable vBShout for the popup box to go away.

07-19-2020, 04:01 PM
Yes, in other words vbshout is no longer working...whether this has to do with vb 5.6.2 or updates in the way the server software works as server software is updated as a matter of routine, is unknown.

09-11-2020, 03:21 AM
sad no longer in use

09-11-2020, 03:54 AM
Last Update: 07 May 2016

10-19-2020, 07:49 PM
Excuse ME for interrupting...but is this shoutbox still good...on vb5...I'm sensing it may not be...and if so...could you help ME out on another...???

10-19-2020, 07:53 PM
Oh...and I'm just getting started...in seeking the wisdom here...to guide ME...so thanks in advance..

10-19-2020, 07:54 PM
Yes, in other words vbshout is no longer working...whether this has to do with vb 5.6.2 or updates in the way the server software works as server software is updated as a matter of routine, is unknown.
Damn...I think I know you..lol

12-19-2020, 10:40 AM
Solved the problem.

Shout is looking for a .js file.
But it isn't here.

1. go to : https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.templates/beta1/jquery.tmpl.min.js
2. copy code and paste it in notepad
3. save it as : jquery.tmpl.min.js
4. copy via ftp to ---> board/js/jquery
5. Reload page and shout is working ( VB 5.6.4)

12-21-2020, 02:11 AM
It didn't work for me yet. I am Macintosh only (OSX). I copy/pasted the code into BlueGriffon and saved it. It is saved as an HTML file but with .js at the end.

When I tried to run the vbshout these errors were noted in Safari browser.


Then I used OSX TextEdit, converted the pasted in code to plain text, saved as jquery.tmpl.min.js
and still, when trying to run the vbshout these errors appeared in Safari:

12-21-2020, 07:21 AM
It didn't work for me yet. I am Macintosh only (OSX). I copy/pasted the code into BlueGriffon and saved it. It is saved as an HTML file but with .js at the end.

When I tried to run the vbshout these errors were noted in Safari browser.


Then I used OSX TextEdit, converted the pasted in code to plain text, saved as jquery.tmpl.min.js
and still, when trying to run the vbshout these errors appeared in Safari:

Sorry, i don't know how this works with OSX to save java.
Maybe this helps?

I put the file in a zip.

12-21-2020, 02:04 PM
I don't think it has to do with that the file is not being saved in js. HOWEVER, I did overwrite with what you attached, this time Cleared Cache within system ACP, and now...vbshout works, and my v5 forums where I had it loaded but was not working (blank screen). Thanks!

On my main forum, I had vbshout disabled via Products/Hooks. I re-enabled it, and now I can't get it to appear at all, not sure why. All settings are active and I cleared cache. The Edit Page shows that the module is there, and active, and should be loading - but - When I check page source for the homepage, the widget code simply isn't there.

The other problem is that this vbulletin.org forum converts all images to blanks. You can't even post an Imgur image here it disappears. Have you noticed that?

12-21-2020, 02:50 PM
On my main forum, I had vbshout disabled via Products/Hooks. I re-enabled it, and now I can't get it to appear at all, not sure why. All settings are active and I cleared cache. The Edit Page shows that the module is there, and active, and should be loading - but - When I check page source for the homepage, the widget code simply isn't there.

Okay! looks like I solved that too. I re-loaded the
and overwrote it, and now vbshout appears and is running!

really did the trick! THANKS! again.

12-22-2020, 04:45 AM
The other problem is that this vbulletin.org forum converts all images to blanks. You can't even post an Imgur image here it disappears. Have you noticed that?

Yes, here the same problem.
Don't know wich site i used anymore to post pictures. :D
But one of the free ones is still working.

Try a couple via google ;)

12-22-2020, 04:48 AM
Okay! looks like I solved that too. I re-loaded the
and overwrote it, and now vbshout appears and is running!

really did the trick! THANKS! again.

Sometimes when you are looking for a solution you change things, and don't change it back.
The solutions is indeed to overwrite the product again then.

Glad it works for you know too.
Hope that other people can profit of this as well as there is not a whole lot of options for a shout on VB5

Glad tho share this with you, and nice hollidays to you ;)

12-24-2020, 04:33 AM
Confirmed! Its working with vB 5.6.4.

Thanks for the fix @mp3president

12-25-2020, 04:31 AM
Confirmed! Its working with vB 5.6.4.

Thanks for the fix @mp3president

You're welcome!!!

It is nice to see it is working for others to, sinds there is no other good shout for VB5.
Glad to help others on VB.org, after years off getting help :D

12-31-2020, 12:18 PM
Solved the problem.

Shout is looking for a .js file.
But it isn't here.

1. go to : https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.templates/beta1/jquery.tmpl.min.js
2. copy code and paste it in notepad
3. save it as : jquery.tmpl.min.js
4. copy via ftp to ---> board/js/jquery
5. Reload page and shout is working ( VB 5.6.4)

What happened recently? This forum is like alive again! Thank you so, works great on 5.6.4. This mod works better on 5.6.4 than all the other previous versions.

01-01-2021, 05:39 AM
What happened recently? This forum is like alive again! Thank you so, works great on 5.6.4. This mod works better on 5.6.4 than all the other previous versions.

Recently i am testing if all is working on VB5 to upgrade my forum from VB4.2.
I was desperatly looking for a chat, and saw it was not working. So ik began my search :D

Glad it works for you ;)

03-15-2021, 09:19 PM
Compatible with vBulletin 5.6.4 and PHP 7.4.16.

Click here (https://vbyilmaz.com/vBShout) to view the works demo.

03-16-2021, 12:15 AM
Thanks, I will test later.

03-30-2021, 06:42 AM
just installed on vB5.6.4. It works. Anyway , I don't see the smilies , although the "Allow Smilies in Shouts" option is ON in the Instant Management.
What I have to do to be able to use the smilies ?

03-30-2021, 10:55 PM
just installed on vB5.6.4. It works. Anyway , I don't see the smilies , although the "Allow Smilies in Shouts" option is ON in the Instant Management.
What I have to do to be able to use the smilies ?

Update with this the problem is fixed.

03-31-2021, 07:56 AM
HI, thanks. I tried to reinstall the chat. Now I see the smailies list and I'm able to insert smilies in the input line , but it not appear in the shout :-/



03-31-2021, 12:57 PM
HI, thanks. I tried to reinstall the chat. Now I see the smailies list and I'm able to insert smilies in the input line , but it not appear in the shout :-/



If you set the dbtech_vbshout_shout table to compare utf8mb4_unicode_ci it will show emojis.

03-31-2021, 01:40 PM
Can you explain me how can I do it ?
I have to login into MySQL and change the collation of this table ?
Thank you for your patience :)

03-31-2021, 03:14 PM
Can you explain me how can I do it ?
I have to login into MySQL and change the collation of this table ?
Thank you for your patience :)

If you do the operation in the screenshot, the problem will be solved.

04-01-2021, 03:31 AM
Nothing to to. I did what you suggesterd, but nothing has changed :-(
Here in attachement what I did in MySQL

04-01-2021, 04:04 AM
Just now I realized that some smilies work if I type them in text. For example , if type : ) in the input line, I see the laughing smile in the shout !

04-02-2021, 11:16 AM
My problem with the smilies is still not fixed: smilies only work if I type them in text.
I have some other question about vBshout.
- after installing your vBshout file, yilmaz, when I login the forum, the page jump directly to the chat (in my forum the chat window is at the bottom of the page). Can I change this ?
- when I try to edit a shout, I get this error message: "unexpected_error,Lambda validation functions no longer allowed". Any idea ?

04-02-2021, 06:15 PM
Update this.
I deleted the js-focus-on-page-load class.

04-03-2021, 05:19 AM
Update this.
I deleted the js-focus-on-page-load class.

Thanks, this problem is fixed :)

The problem with the graphic smilies remains. If it can be useful, when I choose a smile from the graphic list, then I send the shout and then I go to see the dbtech_vbshout_shout table, I realize that there is not really the shout in the table.
That is, it is as if the command to send the shout containing the graphic smile was not executed.

04-03-2021, 05:21 AM
Update with this the problem is fixed.
For me their only product that works fine you must match vBArcade 5.6.4 I'm waiting patience !!!

04-05-2021, 05:04 PM
I have installed this plugin, the module chat works, i see the plugin, the options and the widget but when i enable it the chat is not displayed in the topic.

There are no errors and I cannot understand the problem.
Maybe I need to enable something on the server?

Details my server:

Debian 9
PHP 7.3.26-1+0~20210112.74+debian9~1.gbpd78724
Web Server Apache (cgi-fcgi)
Version MySQL 10.1.48-MariaDB-0+deb9u1

04-05-2021, 05:22 PM
I have installed this plugin, the module chat works, i see the plugin, the options and the widget but when i enable it the chat is not displayed in the topic.

There are no errors and I cannot understand the problem.
Maybe I need to enable something on the server?

Details my server:

Debian 9
PHP 7.3.26-1+0~20210112.74+debian9~1.gbpd78724
Web Server Apache (cgi-fcgi)
Version MySQL 10.1.48-MariaDB-0+deb9u1


04-06-2021, 12:26 PM
Is it possibile to resize the font used for the shouts ? By default it is very small.

04-06-2021, 01:26 PM

Hi Ylmaz

I installed the files you indicated to me but once the widget is inserted, the chat does not appear on the page

04-06-2021, 02:48 PM
Hi Ylmaz

I installed the files you indicated to me but once the widget is inserted, the chat does not appear on the page
Did you drag and save the module as in the screenshot?

04-06-2021, 03:25 PM
Did you drag and save the module as in the screenshot?


04-19-2021, 08:30 PM
Dear users, I do not recommend using this product, much less purchasing it. In the limited version, it is not possible to place the chat at the bottom of the forum. The same is true in the paid version. Before buying, I asked them if there is such a possibility, they answered https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2021/04/1.jpg . And now, as soon as it smelled fried, they deleted the topic. Well, I asked them the second question, what did they send me some bullshit https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2021/04/1.png , although it actually looks like this https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2021/04/1.png . I told them about it, to which they replied https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2021/04/1.png . Here's what I should do? Deleted my license yesterday.

04-20-2021, 08:03 AM
Тепер он пишет, что вернул мне деньги, хотя ничего не возврощал.

08-29-2021, 10:35 PM
This link doesn't work no more, please update.

09-21-2021, 05:54 PM
This link doesn't work no more, please update.

broken link...


09-22-2021, 06:25 AM
new link for code.


10-29-2021, 02:51 AM
VbShout is no longer working with vB 5.6.5 - I am still running PhP 7.4.25 for my vb5 forums have not upgraded to 8 yet.

I get this error:

unexpected_error,Call to undefined method vB_UserContext::getReadChannels()

and the shouts will not load.

I noticed something like this same error on this website, too:

11-01-2021, 08:35 PM

Does anyone know how to display the smilies list so one can click on it?

Or it is not supported?


11-14-2021, 02:58 PM
Quick fix for error in 5.6.5
in core/packages/dbtechvbshout/db/mysql/querydefs.php

$readChannels = vB::getUserContext()->getReadChannels();

comment out or replace with:
/* $readChannels = vB::getUserContext()->getReadChannels(); */

next remove this line:
AND vbshout.forumid IN(" . implode(',', array(0) + $readChannels['canRead']) . ")

11-15-2021, 07:11 PM
What does that solve? Does this make vbshout work in 5.6.5 or is that a solution to the smilies list issue posed by LuckyRiver?

11-15-2021, 10:42 PM
this is a quick fix of error in 5.6.5

11-16-2021, 05:01 PM
YES, I am using vbshout on two sites running 5.6.5 after commenting out line 441 and removing 462 as you suggested. Thanks!

11-17-2021, 12:37 PM
I was able to get it running on 5.6.5 with the help of @heugabel suggestions

but when I try to send to a certain user (shout target) I get the error "Error: 200 parsererror"

any idea?


11-25-2021, 08:05 PM
From what I can see, these modifications (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=2607726&postcount=601) will enable vbshout to work on vb 5.6.5 running something like PhP 7.4
If you try to run it with PhP 8 even with these modifications you'll get a new error,

unexpected_error,Unsupported operand types: string - int

and vbshouts will not load.

01-13-2022, 02:50 AM
I have to do some further checking but on my test forum it seems like vb 5.6.6 made the username of the shoutbox user disappear from the shout. The shout remains but to the left of it the username is no longer there.


01-13-2022, 08:06 AM
php 8 works with vB 5.6.6


Throw the attached php file to the full path above.

Demo https://vbyilmaz.com/vBShout

01-13-2022, 03:17 PM
When I look at your demo https://vbyilmaz.com/vBShout

I see this
is that how it will be without identifying the username of the user who is making the shout? To the left of each "shout" is a generic face
no username.

01-13-2022, 03:57 PM
Okay this is what I found out.

The Yilmaz new shoutbox.php will allow shoutbox to work with PhP 8.

Without this new file, you will get the
unexpected_error,Unsupported operand types: string - int
error when you try to run shoutbox on PhP8. So the new Yilmaz file SOLVES that error - that error will go away and Shoutbox will run okay now on vb 5.6.5 running PhP 8.

HOWEVER, there is a new issue that has to do with vb 5.6.6 When you run 5.6.6 , the shoutbox username disappears from the left side of the shoutbox (https://vbulletin.org/forum/showpost.php?p=2608063&postcount=607),
and there is no way to tell who is making the shout.

01-13-2022, 06:58 PM
Yes, I noticed that too, and if you assign this file to its full path, it will be fixed.



01-17-2022, 12:03 AM
YES with your latest shoutbox.php installed shoutbox works fine with 5.6.6 running PhP 8.

Great work!

01-17-2022, 01:27 PM
On just one of my sites, the core/packages/dbtechvbshout/aop/shouts1.txt
keeps failing to load, and when I look at that file it hasn't been modified in years. The shoutbox works fine, but page source shows this error:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () myforum.com/forums/core/packages/dbtechvbshout/aop/shouts1.txt?v=34947294495928.133&securitytoken=1642433169-95f49972fc0b3612619709343386665cfc6afdaa[/url]


Also when I try to access core/packages/dbtechvbshout/aop/shouts1.txt I get a file not found (missing) error on that site.

I don't know what is different about my installation of shoutbox on that one site that might be causing this error.

01-17-2022, 04:23 PM
create a file called shouts1.txt right there.

01-27-2022, 02:23 PM
I am new to the vb5 ( I installed yesterday ) . I downloaded the product and asks
I have an error

01-29-2022, 10:01 AM
I have the following error
unexpected error call to undefined method vb_user_context get read channels

02-12-2022, 12:23 PM

02-13-2022, 12:56 PM
I am new to the vb5 ( I installed yesterday ) . I downloaded the product and asks
I have an error

Same error here
someone have big heart to upload full zip .?

dbtech don't update this plugin also are free of basic.
important send mail valentine offerts:confused:

02-13-2022, 12:57 PM
I have the following error
unexpected error call to undefined method vb_user_context get read channels


02-17-2022, 02:49 PM
In order to get vbshout to work on 5.6.6 with PhP 8 you need to scroll up and pick up all the pieces of modifications and implement them all.

1) Download the latest vbshout from this thread.

2) Download from here
the jquery.tmpl.min.js file and put it in board/js/jquery

3) Make the quick fix modification noted in

4) Install Yilmaz's shoutbox.php
to /core/packages/dbtechvbshout/api/vbshout/shoutbox.php overwriting the existing file that is there.

Also I suggest changing
php_value max_input_vars
to 10000 if it is not already set to at least that. Otherwise when you try to save settings vbshout may not allow you to save them.

You should do all of the above and THEN add/import the xml file and run it.

02-17-2022, 03:18 PM

This works under 5.6.6 / PHP 8.

How do you remove a shout from the list?

I don't see the option in AdminCP nor in the Chat itself.

02-17-2022, 03:44 PM
When I do a test shout and then wish to delete it, what I do is select (highlight) it by double clicking in it, then the option to delete appears, and I delete it.

02-19-2022, 01:50 PM
I did all the steps and the shoutbox remains to working

03-04-2022, 09:15 PM
I did all the steps and the shoutbox remains to working
any solution?

03-15-2022, 10:47 AM
How do I have the chat box on VBulletin 5.6.6 when I try to put it errors?

03-16-2022, 04:16 AM
any solution?
Did you drag and drop the mod?

Works fine on 5.6.7 / PHP 8.0.16.

03-16-2022, 07:38 AM
package that works for me
Tested with vBulletin Version 5.6.7 and PHP Version 8.0.16

Demo https://vbyilmaz.com/vBShout
Username. demo
Password: demo1234

03-16-2022, 09:33 AM
how do i make a donation and how much will it be ?

03-20-2022, 01:50 PM
I have 5.6.6 and php 8 still the same problem

04-27-2022, 07:01 AM
package that works for me
Tested with vBulletin Version 5.6.7 and PHP Version 8.0.16

Demo https://vbyilmaz.com/vBShout
Username. demo
Password: demo1234

Very cool. You are the man! It works. The "Clear" button seems not to. In Edit settings it shoots this message:

An unexpected error was returned: 'count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given',

Appart from that is fine.

06-29-2022, 05:32 AM
An unexpected error was returned: 'count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given',

Appart from that is fine.

When you add in .htacces or php.ini the following it is gone!

php_value max_input_vars
to 10000

Also, for the people who having trouble with editing a schout a fix:

Look for the file core/packages/dbtechvbshout/datamanager/shout.php and open it.
Scroll down to:

'notification' => array(vB_Cleaner::TYPE_STR, vB_DataManager_Constants::REQ_NO, 'if (!in_array($data, array(\'\', \'thread\', \'reply\'))) { return false; } return true;'),

Change it to:

'notification' => array(vB_Cleaner::TYPE_STR, vB_DataManager_Constants::REQ_NO),

Problem solved and you can edit shouts again!

01-02-2023, 05:08 PM
Hi! When trying to access https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jque...ry.tmpl.min.js, I get the error "The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable." Anything to do?

01-02-2023, 08:05 PM
To get the shoutbox working, either follow the step by step from here

or just download what should be the complete modified package Yilmaz posted, here

In either case I suggest changing
php_value max_input_vars
to 10000 if it is not already set to at least that. Otherwise when you try to save settings vbshout may not allow you to save them.

02-25-2023, 11:12 PM
Hello I am real new to this and am trying to learn as I go. The chap running our forum past away and we had all sorts of problems with VB4 not working properly, so I paid for the Upgrade to VB5.72 knowing we would have to add the hacks back in that we previously had But I'm regretting it now as VB5 has been loaded with different bugs. Getting them sorted out slowly with help from VB, but my members Really want the shoutbox back, I have been trying all day to get the files loaded to the forum directory, But I don't think I am doing it properly as when I try to import with the hooks & products it can not find it.
Can anyone point me to a youtube video possibly that explains better to get this installed?
I just can't get it with the basic instructions included.
Many thanks. :)

02-26-2023, 08:10 PM
Try the Water Cooler Chat. I am using it and my members are satisfied with it,

02-26-2023, 09:57 PM
Thank you Aristide, will certainly have a go at that :)