View Full Version : Editing bbcode_code

09-27-2012, 11:28 AM
I would like to get the code box, dotted lined and a certain box background color, but it seems vb4 has changed the coding.

Below is my current code, I managed to remove code: but the rest I don't understand.

<div class="bbcode_container">
<pre class="bbcode_code"<vb:if condition="$vboptions['codemaxlines']">style="height:<vb:if condition="$blockheight<$vboptions['codemaxlines']">{vb:math {vb:raw blockheight}*{vb:stylevar mid_fontSize}+{vb:stylevar mid_fontSize}*2}<vb:else />{vb:math {vb:raw blockheight}*{vb:stylevar mid_fontSize}+{vb:stylevar mid_fontSize}}</vb:if>;"</vb:if>>{vb:raw code}</pre>

09-27-2012, 11:38 AM
It looks like vb4 moved a lot of things to the bbcode.css template. What you could probably do is add a section to additional.css like this:

.bbcode_container {
// your CSS here

And override the existing CSS with whatever you want. You might also be able to copy the vb3 bbcode_code template to vb4, but you would have to update the variable references to vb4 template syntax (assuming those style variables still exist in vb4).

09-27-2012, 02:40 PM
You can change the background color in Stylevars > bbcode > vbbcode_background_color. If you want to change the border you must edit the <pre> tag. to put in additional inline styling go all the way to the end and find the ";"

</vb:if>;"</vb:if>>{vb:raw code}</pre>

You can put additional styling between the ";" and the quote mark that follows. Alternatively you could edit whatever css template contains the bbcode_code class

09-28-2012, 08:00 AM
thanks guys, seems easier now you have explained some things, appreciated