View Full Version : Search and Today's posts not working

09-21-2012, 02:12 AM
Hi guys,

On http://blenderartists.org we seem to have lost our search and todays posts function on the site. There has been some behind the scenes work on the template.php file in preparation for a new theme. Though it almost doesn't seem that it could be related.

Currently if you go to the site and try to search for something you will receive the "site is unavailable" connection timed-out error. This ONLY happens on search and "todays posts" imagine that todays posts is actually doing a search query.

Any tips or suggestions? Thanks for the time!

09-21-2012, 07:33 PM
It looks like that's a custom error handling page and the error is a "500 - internal server error". If you have access to your web server error log you might check in there to see if there's any more information.

09-22-2012, 12:23 PM
Thanks for the reply - I found another forum admin running into a similar thing and upgrading to the last forum software version cleared it up. I was hesitant to update with out forum so large, but it went somewhat smooth!

Problem solved. ;)