View Full Version : doc_background color -> Image Reppet

09-17-2012, 07:36 PM
Hello. I have a question. Please excuse my English. I'm Italian. Let me know if i can replace the varibale doc_background color with image repeat.

I'm using an image for doc_backgorund but I can not do as high as forums. I do not know if I can explain. But I would use a striped background sostituitendo doc_background color.

thank you all in advance.

09-17-2012, 08:58 PM
AdminCP --> Style & templates --> Style manager
right frame: Style variable editor --> Go.

Search for:
Global --> doc_background.
There you can set the background repeat on / off / vertical / horizontal

You could also set your vertical offset to fixed.
That way your background doesn't scroll with your forum anymore.