View Full Version : Dumb Question: Can I have multiple domains go to the same board with different skins?

09-17-2012, 07:33 AM
I'm curious if a mod exists or if anything is preventing me from having two different app servers linking to the same database server.

Ideally I want both websites to go to the same forum.

A step further would make certain sections inaccessible on each forum.

Another step further would be to have a different theme style on each forum (different top banner/etc)

I'm curious if this has been done before and a brief rundown of how if possible.

Thank you so much!

09-18-2012, 12:12 PM
This would actually be against the license agreement. There used to be a mod but it was pulled I believe for this reason.

You would need separate licenses for each domain if you wanted to do it.

09-19-2012, 11:39 PM
You just make redirects to the forum with the URL. However, I'm not sure how you could change the theme for each one. I know you can have different themes displayed on different forums on one board though. That setting is found when editing a Forum. You have to have multiple themes added though, obviously.