View Full Version : Setting up a new style

09-15-2012, 09:44 AM
Morning folks,

To combat previous issues with my VB4 install I've instaled a new skin - well, I've activated an old skin thats been sat quietly doing nothing.

If you go on to www.fiat-scotland.com it's there as vbFour[FIXED]

Probem is, I can't quite get the page size correct.

I want a fixed style, rather than fluid, but getting the resolution to work constantly is proving impossible. I did have it just about there, but then the forum displayed fine on the desktop but was aligned to the left on the laptop - with lots of white space to the right.

I appreciate any help at all - got a headache from trying to work this one out :(

09-15-2012, 04:41 PM
If you have a problem with a skin you got here you need to post in that post for support if you got it from another site you need to go to there support system