View Full Version : Articles Tab highlighted on NAVBAR while on Home Page

09-09-2012, 02:45 AM
Hi guys,

I recently modified my CMS on my site www.Hobby-Machinist.com so that the site lands on a home page which is the parent of the CMS system.

There is an Articles section that brances off from the main page. Yet, when you land on the site or hit "Home", "Articles" still appears highlighted on the main Navbar.

Can someone walk me thru or provide the link here on how to set my Home tab to be highlighted (the set_navigation_tab_vbview hook location) and deactivate the Articles plugin (or else set your plugin with a different Execution Order).



09-09-2012, 02:56 AM
Did you create the Home tab via the Navigation Manager?

The Article tab has the "Tab Script" set, which is would be the same as the Home tab would need, so that its highlighted, you would need to customize the Home tabs "Tab Script" name and set it.

Ive nvr tried to set it up like that, as its technically using the same script.

09-09-2012, 03:15 AM
Did you create the Home tab via the Navigation Manager?

The Article tab has the "Tab Script" set, which is would be the same as the Home tab would need, so that its highlighted, you would need to customize the Home tabs "Tab Script" name and set it.

Ive nvr tried to set it up like that, as its technically using the same script.

Yes, I used the Navigation manager to create the Home tab.

How would I reset the tab script and what would I set it to?

(screen shots attached)



09-09-2012, 03:17 AM
This should help you out.


09-14-2012, 11:54 AM
This should help you out.


I don't write PHP.

However, I did add the TabID to each link, and that did make the tab I wanted highlighted.

It does not change the breadcrumbs however.
