View Full Version : Ad block after last post?

09-08-2012, 10:32 PM
In vb3 there was a way where you could place an ad block after the last post in a thread and above the quick reply box. How would I do this in vbulletin 4?

09-08-2012, 10:52 PM
Find in SHOWTHREAD template:
<!-- ajax errors table -->

Add Code you below:

<div align="center"> AD Code </div><br />

Assuming you using 4.1 to 4.2

09-09-2012, 12:13 AM
I am using 4.1.10. Do I really need to use the <div> though? Could I just put the ad code like this...<center>ad code</center>?

09-09-2012, 01:07 AM
center is deprecated, by oh 5 yrs lol

best to use css, but i was just giving u a quick and dirty fix.