View Full Version : Forum Display Enhancements - Nexia's Language Driven Forum

09-04-2012, 10:00 PM
Nexia's Language Driven Forum:

some features:

detect browser language for new visitors *(not regulars, just for first visit)
apply browser language when possible
or default language - will not show other languages
need to choose a language in the language selector to change it!

language selection at registration.
default will be the board's default language.
if the guest have selected a language in the past, that language will be the default.

language forcing in usercp, below the language selection in options page.
will let the user select if he/she wants to see forums that are in other languages.

admincp to select what language a forum will be applyed on.
admincp to select if that language will be forced, so only the members with that language will see.
admincp is inheriting the setting of their parent forum by default.

forums with no language selected are considered displayed to all, overpassing the settings.

sub-forums of a forced language inherit the parent's status
if the parent is hidden because of choices, the subforums do not show - logic!

---- in the screenshots below, you see the forums with language indicators, the "fr", "en", etc... instead of them being hidden... that's the ADMIN side of things, where you, as an admin, see the forums, with the right indicators... it helps navigate thru the forum. as a user, you do not see the forums you're not supposed to see... :)

################################################## ####################### STEP 1
What To do to install:

1- UPLOAD via FTP to the root path of your vBulletin forum the files and folders in their originate structure from the folder "UPLOAD_THIS"

2- IMPORT the PRODUCT file included in the "IMPORT_PRODUCT" folder.
take the file with a _three extention for your vBulletin 3.x installation, the _four one for your vB 4.x...

You also need to edit one file at least, via ftp with your code editor - ask a pro if you have no idea what to do!

################################################## ####################### STEP 2

in the file /includes/functions_forumlist.php

in vB 3.x: line 53, 177, 481
in vB 4.x: line 67, 201, 544

$forum = $vbulletin->forumcache["$forumid"];


### nexia's lang driven forums
if($forum['languagecode'] AND !($vbulletin->userinfo['permissions']['adminpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_adminpermissions['cancontrolpanel']))
if($forum['languagecode_forced'] AND ($forum['languagecode'] != $vbulletin->userinfo['languagecode'])) continue;
if($vbulletin->userinfo['languagecode_forced'] AND ($forum['languagecode'] != $vbulletin->userinfo['languagecode'])) continue;
### / nexia's lang driven forums

################################################## ####################### STEP 3
optionally, as an admin, if you want to see the different languageid for each forum in the Forum Aanager, do this:

in admincp/forum.php

around line (622 in vB 3.x), (679 in vB 4.x)

FiND (inside the line):



iif(!empty($forum['password']),'*') . ($forum['languagecode'] ? ' <span class="smallfont time" style="font-style:italic;"> ' . $forum['languagecode'] . ($forum['languagecode_forced'] ? '*' : '') . '</span> ' : '')

################################################## ########################## END

Now you go edit your forums in the Forum Manager, in the bottom of the page of each forum, you can choose the language etc...

for other languages, you can import your translations in the Phrases Manager ... see the folder for additional languages when available!

>> by default, vBulletin store its languages by ID, which is based on database entry, and not any identification of language... so if you delete a language and reimport it, it will have a different ID even if it's language code is the same... how problematic if you code for specific languages...

so this script add the languagecode field in the database so we do not have to check every time to see if it is the right language.

vB 3.x version is still available here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=230899

09-05-2012, 03:42 PM
The release indicate "not supported"...

for official support, follow the link in my signature!

09-05-2012, 05:07 PM
Good work! Really a useful mod

09-06-2012, 01:13 PM
Great Work! This is really useful for my site which has multi-language forums. Rated for 5 stars and nominated MOTM.
Thank you so much,