View Full Version : The word "Hentai"

09-02-2012, 09:22 PM

My users recently discovered the word "Hentai" screws up our database/forums. Every time I try to type the word "Hentai" on my forums it will redirect me to 404. Every time I type the word "Hentai" on chatbox, it feels like it goes on an infinite loop (But not really, it just does nothing). Also when I post a new reply and say "Hi Hentai" it will pop up a box saying if I wish to leave the page. If I hit yes, it'll lead me to a 404 page. If no, stay in the same page.

Here's what I did to make things go wrong -

Type Hentai - Success
Type Hi Hentai - 404
Type Hen Tai - Success
Type Anything Hentai - 404
Type "Space" Hentai - 404

It seems like anything I type before hentai will give me an automatic 404 and the database just refuses to saves "INSERT ANYTHING HERE + hentai"

Has anyone experienced a similar problem where the forums just absolutely refuses a certain word?

09-02-2012, 10:05 PM
Do you have suhosin or mod_security on your server?

09-03-2012, 12:43 AM
Do you have suhosin or mod_security on your server?

I talked with my host and this issue was resolved.