View Full Version : Forum Home Enhancements - [CM] Floating SideBar ADDON (Shine Effect & Free Scroll)

08-29-2012, 10:00 PM
This was brought to you by ChiNa-Man (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/member.php?u=483671)

First of all I am a free soul, So if one of you guys decided to post this on another forum or a website, I would be appreciated if you give some CREDITs to the Developer simply typing his name: Credits to: ChiNa-Man, and do not CHANGE or DELETE the ORIGINAL CONTENT! Thank you!


NEW UPDATE: 30 August 2012
This is an ADDON, you can also find this as a MODIFICATION under the same name in the same section!

Click HERE (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=2361178) for the full modification & tutorial!

Hey everyone, Finally I managed to make this as an ADDON. Its a great SideBar that I have used while I as using MYBB Board, I have used lots of time to turn this to a vBulletin mod A great mod for you to decide where you want your users to visit, and can be fully customized by yourself!

Credits: Yaldaram.com (http://yaldaram.com) as Support & Co-Author

Upload the images and 1 Click Install , Thats it!

There are 2 Different Products !

One with Gradient and Shine Effect
One with No Gradient and No Shine Effect!

Product 1: Gradient and Shine Effect


Product 1: NO Gradient, NO Shine Effect


Step 1: Lets start with download the Upload.zip from the attachments. Inside the ZIP file there is a folder called "images"! Upload the whole to your forumsroot!

The path for the sidebar should look like this --> YOURFORUM/images/sidebar

Step 2: Now lets upload the XML product. First download the XML file from the attachments, and go to your AdminCP, Click on Plugin & Products, then Manage Products! Now scroll down till you see Add/Import Product, Click on it and there is the BROWSE button, click on it and locat your XML file, and click IMPORT. DONE

Thats it. Dont forget to download the SideBar.zip from the attachments. And upload the images folder to your root --> YOURFORUM/images/sidebar

Make sure to Click in INSTALLED, when you are done! Thanks



(Edit this Addon like you want it)

This addon is with (Black Background), and all the Icons is set to Default Locations and URLs by me. If you want to to change Icons, URL and Locations for your ICONS, or the color. Then visit the link below. I first made this as a MODFICATION, and I think it will help you alot configuring the SideBar.
Thanks and good luck!

Visit to the link below: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=286401


Choice of a Custom Colors and Modifications

09-02-2012, 08:21 AM
Thank you very much king

09-26-2012, 12:25 AM
Not real happy with the developer of this mod as he seems to have stolen the skin off ragekings forums.

Just take a look at the first images and compare with www.ragekings.com

03-25-2013, 09:34 PM
First of all I think I did pm you about this issues! And secondly, I am not the forum owner! I am only Administrator in the forum!

And for me as a Developer saying that the Skin is Stolen? Its not stolen! I think there are plenty of Rage-King Skins out there. There are many of the same skin out there! I do not wanna put or share any downloads! But try Search for Rage-Kings Skin, you will find dusins of the same skin! It does not make people steal a skin but maybe using the same copy!

03-25-2013, 11:36 PM
Not real happy with the developer of this mod as he seems to have stolen the skin off ragekings forums.

Just take a look at the first images and compare with www.ragekings.com (http://www.ragekings.com)

I think I did pm you about this issue! And secondly, I am not the forum owner! I am only Administrator in the forum!
As I am for other 10 different forums. And as a Developer watching you accussing me puts yourself in a bad position? You registered only to post this. The Skin is NOT stolen, and It does not make people steal a skin if they use the same copy as these guys do in the forum which is using the mod i have an image from!

Check this link befor accusing people for stealing a skin: https://www.google.dk/search?q=RageKings.com+Clone+For+vB+3.8.6&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

I think there are plenty of Rage-King Skins. There are many of the same skin out there! Try for yourself and search for RageKings.com Clone For vB 3.8.6 , you will find dusins of the same skin! And if another forum using it, it wont make them a thief or stealing your skin!

Paul M
03-26-2013, 01:02 AM
Thats enough of that.

Please stick to support in this thread, not accusations. Thank you.

03-28-2013, 06:03 AM
Thats enough of that.

Please stick to support in this thread, not accusations. Thank you.

Thanks Paul for following up on this thread!

03-29-2013, 09:46 PM
good mod
thank u friend