View Full Version : Private Forum no access for moderators

09-23-2001, 12:21 PM
I run clan forums, and basically each has it's own set of forums, with it's own moderators.

Each time I add a new forum set with private forums, I have to edit now, close to 50 members, and remove access for those moderators to the new forums.

I'd really like a hack which means I can add a new private forum AND not automatically have every person with mod access to be able to see it!!!

09-23-2001, 06:52 PM
I'm not sure if I understand what you are saying.

When you create a forum, it will take on the permissions of the parent forum , or you can specifiy independant permissions.

Whatever you set the user permissions for moderators for will affect all of them, I'm afraid, and ultimately you will still have to individually set permissions for each moderator...even if using access masks (which would be the fastest).

Now I *think* I know what you could mean here. Say you make a private forum, and have a hack where when assigning the forum permissions, you get a drop down box. If I click Moderators..a drop down box that has all the mod's names in it shows. It would simply have the function that if you click the name, they have access to the forum. That would weed out all the name hunting etc.....

Hope that made sense...and would be an interesting hack to see