View Full Version : How to list a usergroup only as secondary option?

08-23-2012, 09:59 PM
Does anyone know if there's a mod or anything that will let me set usergroups as primary or secondary only types?

These groups are very specific in their purpose, and I don't want some groups to even HAVE an option to be a primary usergroup.

I don't want every single usergroup (cause we'll have a lot out of necessity when we're done getting everything tightened up) to show up in both primary and secondary search options. Talk about redundancy and clutter, and it just adds and extra chance for mistakes to be made when setting a users groups.

Thanks in advance for your time and assitance!


And despite my profile, for THIS forum it is 4.2 version.

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I spent forever and ever (I never exaggerate) combing through the mods with the word usergroups (talk about a task!) and did not find anything suitable.

So I've posted a request for it instead. Like I said there, though, if I overlooked my answer, feel free to backhand me!