View Full Version : Basic - How do I edit code - Forum block??

08-21-2012, 08:39 PM
Hiya guys

Is there a way to search for code in my forum block to change it, as apposed to changing it in the forum block manager??

Cheers guys Luke

08-21-2012, 10:59 PM
I have a block with many lines of code. I copy all of it to notepad which allows me to do finds and replaces with ease. Then when I'm done I copy it back to the forum block.

Of course I make a copy of my original code before I make any changes. I use notepad to make backup copies of the block code and I save the copies as text files. Nothing fancy but it works for me.

08-21-2012, 11:03 PM
where exactly do I find the Forum Block Code... What I'm trying to do is find a part of the code, and remove it.

My Forum block has a few sponsor images, linking to affliate sites. its just it has a nofollow within the code. I'm trying to remove that part of the code. http://www.talknightlife.co.uk on the right hand side top block.

Cheers disco

08-21-2012, 11:18 PM
Admincp>Forums & Moderators>Forum Blocks Manager then edit the block you want to change.

Be sure to make a copy of your source before you change it.