View Full Version : proxy list script?

08-15-2012, 03:49 PM
Hi all,
I am looking to start a proxy site and need some advice.
When I say proxy site, I mean proxy lists, not just a proxy gateway service like glype.
Does anyone know what automated scripts other sites use for gathering and posting proxies daily proxy lists?

If nothing like that is available, what about this...
Does someone know how i could setup something to automatically post the contents of a txt file into a new thread and have it formatted in the way I choose?

Basically I am thinking of using something like Proxyfire to search and test proxies. I can have it setup to output the results in a text file, but how can I automate the posting process?

Has anyone got any experience of this kind of thing or similar, or have any good Ideas that could be of use to me.

If someone is able to code something decent that would suit my needs, I would be happy to pay.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

03-13-2014, 07:21 PM
I sell the Sprilix Website Directory Listing Script, it was designed to be used as a Proxy listing script and will work perfectly as a atproxy substitute.
