08-07-2012, 10:00 PM
Brought To You by BirdOPrey5 (
Version 1.2
WARNING - This mod is hard coded in English.
One thing vBulletin has been missing has been an easy way to edit and setup your config.php file before installing (or re-installing) your vBulletin forums.
This package contains my own install.php file designed to be uploaded to your forum root before you install vBulletin.
You then go to this file in your browser ( and you can create your config.php file through an easy web interface.
If you see the vBulletin logo on the page you have the install file in the correct location.
When you are done it will creates or overwrite the config.php file, auto-delete the install.php file, and launch the vbulletin /install/install.php script all in 2 clicks.
In addition to using install.php to setup new forums you can copy it into the forum root directory of existing installs to view or change the config.php settings as needed- but always delete the file as soon as you are done with it as anyone can browse to it if it exists.
You can play with a live demo here:
I have disabled the self-delete option on the demo and enabled it to output config.txt files instead of config.php so you can view the output right in the browser. Otherwise it is identical to the actual version.
Don't input real passwords into the demo- the next person using it might see your values if they load the current file.
For this mod to work in requires a "virgin" file be in your /includes/ directory. Do not delete it if installing a new VB, there is no security risk of letting the file stay in its original state in the /includes/ directory.
This has access to the most common options you can see in the screenshots. Advanced options may still need to be manually edited.
Remember it is absolutely essential you delete the file anytime you are done using it.
It will offer you a self-delete option, use it!
Please "Mark as Installed" if you use this. :)
Donations always appreciated. :up:
Thanks for making this MOTM! ;) (
Version 1.2
WARNING - This mod is hard coded in English.
One thing vBulletin has been missing has been an easy way to edit and setup your config.php file before installing (or re-installing) your vBulletin forums.
This package contains my own install.php file designed to be uploaded to your forum root before you install vBulletin.
You then go to this file in your browser ( and you can create your config.php file through an easy web interface.
If you see the vBulletin logo on the page you have the install file in the correct location.
When you are done it will creates or overwrite the config.php file, auto-delete the install.php file, and launch the vbulletin /install/install.php script all in 2 clicks.
In addition to using install.php to setup new forums you can copy it into the forum root directory of existing installs to view or change the config.php settings as needed- but always delete the file as soon as you are done with it as anyone can browse to it if it exists.
You can play with a live demo here:
I have disabled the self-delete option on the demo and enabled it to output config.txt files instead of config.php so you can view the output right in the browser. Otherwise it is identical to the actual version.
Don't input real passwords into the demo- the next person using it might see your values if they load the current file.
For this mod to work in requires a "virgin" file be in your /includes/ directory. Do not delete it if installing a new VB, there is no security risk of letting the file stay in its original state in the /includes/ directory.
This has access to the most common options you can see in the screenshots. Advanced options may still need to be manually edited.
Remember it is absolutely essential you delete the file anytime you are done using it.
It will offer you a self-delete option, use it!
Please "Mark as Installed" if you use this. :)
Donations always appreciated. :up:
Thanks for making this MOTM! ;)