View Full Version : Subject-Prefix & Thank You Hack
I integrated the[gEb]Pulldown Menue Hack ( and a Thank-You possibility as inspired by the [gEb] (
You can download the patches in unified diff format (as produced by the GNU ( tool diff -urN; format is quite self explaining for those who don't have the patch programm (every Linux installation has it, but Windoze-ports exist)).
Please report any bugs, improvements and patches!
Tom Dooley
09-22-2001, 06:34 PM
sorry but how i handle this ?
i logged into server and tried diff -urN vbb203-prefixthx.diff
but i get
diff: missing operand
diff: Try `diff --help' for more information.
What is the exact way to install ?
Freddie Bingham
09-22-2001, 09:12 PM
mip if you have a license please enter into your profile.
09-22-2001, 09:53 PM
Sounds good, but a "normal" install txt would be great, so anybody can understand it.
And please do what Freddie ask for...
Originally posted by Tom Dooley
sorry but how i handle this ?
i logged into server and tried diff -urN vbb203-prefixthx.diff
You have to use the patch program. diff is only for finding the difference (diff --help and patch --help should give some help text).
If you're unsure about the diff format, have a look at it with a text editor. It should be quite self-explaining if you try to apply the patches manually - that would also be the best if your installation of vBB is customised.
I personally don't run a vbb (I would prefer an open licensed one like phpBB ( if I had to make a decision), but my boss allows me to contribute the work done on the firm's board. If this is against the forum rules/license I will stop (just EMail me in this case) - as I only post diffs and own code (as public domain) this should be no problem in my eyes.
A patch in unified diff format is basically a very schematic textual description of what has changed. Look at it with a text editor (which is capable of Un*x line endings - not notepad) and you will see that it contains exact information (quite self explaining) about the files affected, the changed lines and what has been altered.
In my eyes this is better than a "normal install text". Besides this I'm not interested in doing too much work for a proprietary product which I even don't have at home.
Freddie Bingham
09-23-2001, 12:53 AM
Retrieve the license information from your boss and insert it into your profile.
09-23-2001, 01:25 AM
I got lost in the first post...what does this do?
09-23-2001, 05:11 AM
Originally posted by freddie
Retrieve the license information from your boss and insert it into your profile.
Let me guess... her boss won't give it to her.
09-23-2001, 05:55 PM
Yeah I bet the boss wont give it to him.
Oh well its a better excuse than nothing. :)
Unless there is a particular reason to doubt this person that I missed, what happened to innocent until proven guilty?
BTW, is this a new rule that everyone contributing to this board be licensed? We've hired outside programmers to work on our code before and wouldn't necessarily see the need to share our license with them just to help an outside programmer post their hack here?
Because vb already has a user and password for licensed users. Why not put the board as a password protected area if this is the case?
This person was just sharing a hack. I haven't installed it but it looks friendly and harmless. Why the need for an unfriendly tone by everyone in return to someone giving back to the community by releasing a hack?
If the moderators want to ask for it that's fine with me but then let's leave it to them...
09-25-2001, 10:10 PM
Finally someone with that feels the same way as me.. ;)
They delete all most post that say about the same thing.
I have people that work for me, and I am not going to give
my lic# and password, just so they do not get the fifth degree
Also, yes I have notice alot of people being asked to enter this
information are people posting hacks they did, What will happen
if they say vBulletin is to rude... and stop posting hacks?
God Bless,
09-25-2001, 10:19 PM
Have a screenshot or a demo of this hack?
Freddie Bingham
09-25-2001, 10:40 PM
That is the current protocol.
There is no significance between a user asking for help or if the user is being generous and giving you a hack. If the user's post content indicates that they are using vBulletin then they need to enter the license information. If they can not do that because they are "helping" someone than they need to get that person to log into their account and enter the info for them. The password is not stored, it is only used to verify the license's validity.
I can understand that some would like to overlook those that are only posting hacks and not asking for help but that is not an excuse.
OK, so if I understand you correctly the intent here is that people who obviously have VB and post here are invited to show that they have a valid current license. Fair enough.
So you as an officer of VB naturally ask for the license. I just thought the cynicism that followed from other parties wasn't necessary.
Let's give the guy a chance to get his license info in order from his boss or if his boss doesn't want him to have the license, then he will stop posting.
This is just an offer for non vb officers to be more American about it and give the guy his innocence until proven guilty.
09-26-2001, 02:02 AM
Man some people will cry about anything!
Quit crying and enter it in.
I am sick of reading your crap complaining. It isn;'t something that can be or needs to be changed.
goodbye you bunch of losers
heh heh, mine's entered already.
But I like your aggressiveness. I hope you volunteer for the army and wind up fighting for our side in afghanistan. We could use some tough angry people like you fighting for us.
I'd rather have a fighter like you than those peaceniks who want us to bend over and turn the other cheek to terrorists.
09-26-2001, 02:21 AM
I am already Active Duty Army
Thus my screen name
I am not a war monger either, I just hate crybabies
thanks and god bless
Originally posted by Sarge
I am already Active Duty Army
Well, may God be with you. These are tough times we face ahead and people like you and random civilians in the wrong place @ the wrong time are on the front lines.
Thank you for being there to fight for us.
God Bless.
09-26-2001, 11:28 AM
is it me or has this thread totally got lost ?
09-26-2001, 05:28 PM
For once Rap I agree m8 :)
I can understand that some people can not get the information or the guy who registered vBull to enter the info for them.
I have personaly seen 3 people on this board who openly distibute this script as well as many many others on websites but because they have a licenced copy of this board then they are still allowed access to the forums and the posts. (This Sux).
I think a policy change should be made to either allow only registered members to contribute to the forums or to drop the whole daft idea. (And yes my fkin info is entered).
Oh and BTW this is not whinging about something this is asking for a problem to be addressed.
09-26-2001, 07:20 PM
Yes, I am not saying piracy is ok and to let it slide if they supply your hacks for the board..
I am saying it is very hard for us paying customers to allow others to work on our boards.
I for one like what Monster and few others have said...
If it is such a problem, make the forums private (only access is granted to those with a lic#, and they can request more (screen name) for their employees..) Or just drop the whole constant "Enter your lic. information" thing, it really does get bad alot.... and have fun. :)
PS: is there a way to split this into a new thread? instead of always delete everyones post..?
09-26-2001, 07:40 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by The_Sisko
Sounds good, but a "normal" install txt would be great, so anybody can understand it.
09-27-2001, 01:05 PM
OK Problem solved.
First of all make an option in the UserCP for the person who registered his copy of vBull to enter his details along with the names of those he wishes to be able to use his account info.
Those who are designated users can then add the name of the main account holder into thier User CP and the mods here can check against the main account holders account to see if it is valid or not.
This could be easily done and IMHO should be done quick as this system you have here at present sucks big time dudes.
So in short the main account holder still gets to keep his account details safe and those he designates as valid sub users get to post freely without hassle from mods etc...
Maybe an option or requirement should be made on the initial purchase of the software for members to be able to choose a screen name and register it when the purchase the software.
Whos with me ?
I think this is the way to go.....
Bald Bouncer
09-27-2001, 01:11 PM
Yep sounds a good idea to me HM, a limit could be set on sub users etc.
09-27-2001, 01:19 PM
1) I was never a user, nor did I plan to be one.. until the webmaster asked me to. So he would not get attack all the time.
2) A limit? I do not think so...
Otherwise it sounds like a ok plan...
we really need these post split off into another thread....
*looks for a moderator* :)
09-27-2001, 04:18 PM
I think this has got to be the way to go as at the moment I have several Admins on my forums who would more than be willing to contribute info but will not be able to under the current restricted conditions.
I also think this thread should be split into 2 as it has now become highly off topic.
09-27-2001, 05:10 PM
Agree with what you all said. I have two people who work on my code with me, using CVS and I'd like them to be able to post here, but I don't necessarily want to give them my info. There should be a way for me to designate certain users as authorized to speak on my boards and licenses behalf.
These people are volunteers, and work on the boards because they love it, and I don't want them hassled because of some weirdness with licensing. So will vBulletin add this feature to their boards?
Here's my $0.02.
With all due respect... developers of this board do a great job, software is fantastic. But there are few sides to this story. First of all - no matter how great the software was there wouldn't be so many websites using it, and automatically advertise the software if vB wasn't so easy to mod.
I would say most of the vB license owners are admins running non-commercial websites, forking out $85 every year from their own pocket just for fun and pleasure of running a discussion board. Running non-commercial or non-profitable web site usually comes with necessity to have number of co-admins, sometimes from different countries, mostly people you've never seen in your life. As it was already mentioned in posts above - you can trust them enough to run your boards for you, but not to give them software license details/passes etc. etc.
Having said all that, if it was me, if I posted a hack or mod, or even an idea and primary response from vB developers in public (who knows better PM system of this board) was "post the license", "once again - post the license" I would feel a little weird myself. Its a bit like strip-searching delivery boy in front of the whole office every time he brings you a letter.
And it's not like the guy was hiding on one of these dodgy geocities pages with porn banners - he spent his time writing this hack, shared it from his domain, probably was even about to post an example with a link to his web site. And you welcome the idea with - "spread your legs, put your hands on the wall, show me your ID" in front of other people. I could paraphrase Sarge here Quit crying - you have over 8000 people registered on this board. Some of them might be on Owned License scheme, some of them maybe requested installations from you - this way or another - you make what - 300k, half a million USD a year out of it? I will not believe for a second that even 1% of all these people actually pirate your soft and come to your own board with their modifications. And even if - you can really sort out your issues with users in private.
Some of us already escaped from UBB forces, some of us had displeasure of being UB2k clients; don't let us think you also grew impertinence on our money I love you too much, my heart wouldnt take it.
btw: HairyMonster - brilliant idea!
09-28-2001, 02:38 AM
Amen! Amen!
It was not bad at first, but now they are just going to far with it..
every post I go into its "Enter your licence number here" , "Enter your password there"....
blah blah blah..
I used to use UBB and I really like vBulletin, but man can't this just be a place to hang out and have fun *sheesh*...
We pay you alot of money(we all are not loaded like yall), and alot of us do not care to have our helpers get harass .... then come crying to us about it.. then we ignore them and say "Well I am not giving you my Licence and Password", then they come back to get yelled at again here when they post..... so they come crying to us again.. *sigh*
End the madness, you can not stop piracy or even slow it down...
So work on keeping your software the best, and having fun! ;)
Steve Machol
09-28-2001, 02:59 AM
Please enter your vB license info into your user profile. Thanks! :D :D :D
Seriously though, this situation is frustrating for me as well. I spend an inordinate amount of my free time trying to help others on this forum. I get no compensation for this, nor do I expect any. I am sensitive to the 'license issue' and try to be as accomodating as possible.
Believe it or not we have been able to provide better support for paying customers with this policy. It's not perfect and could use improvement, but it has been effective in some respects.
As I see it I have three choices:
1. I continue to do my job and request the license info when someone hasn't entered it. Unfortunately, this will subject me to continuing attacks and insults.
2. I resign as Moderator because I cannot abide by this policy.
3. I ignore all messages from people who haven't entered their license info.
The problem with the third option is that most people simply overlooked this option when they registered. As I said, most have no trouble complying. So should I give them the option of correcting the situation, or should I just ignore them?
I can tell you what I won't do. I won't spend my free time helping software pirates. As I said before, I have much better things to do with my time. :)
09-28-2001, 04:08 AM
Sorry, but the dog ate it... the Basterd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:( :( :(
09-28-2001, 04:41 AM
this forum is getting rediculous,
if i have to see another"please enter your license info" post-im gonna go nuts-what a waste of time and space...
if its that important, simply password protect the forums...
also-this is crazy!!!
its like the pirates versus VB now lol!!
I just saw a post that they scanned one of the VB developers machines and found a pirated copy of photoshop--on many different public forums!!!!!LOL
this is nuts!!
09-28-2001, 04:55 AM
Can I just clarify that the last statement about Photoshop is simply not true. These pirates are out to annoy us in whatever ways possible, as we are beginning slowly to cut off all their vBulletin support.
I know it's hard to put up with - and it annoys us as well. We're currently working on a better solution, but this all takes time. We (staff) are somewhat fed up of asking people to enter their info, and I'm sure you're all equally fed up with hearing it.
Please bear with us for a bit longer as we get this worked out...
09-28-2001, 07:09 AM
I was hoping to find some new info about this hack, which I -really- want to implement but still can't cos nobody is explaining to me how to do so, no everybody is talking about how the Mods and Admins constantly bore the rest by telling people to enter their license info etc. in their profiles.
Okay, I can easily understand the whole thing of you guys not wanting pirate copies of vB being used, and certainly not to see the pirate-users post on your own board. But hello? Private messages, e-mail? The only effect achieved by constantly POSTING the "Please enter your license info in your profile"-message is getting many current users' backs up. We (the normal users) don't need to know which user still hasn't entered his info, and which might be a pirate. People here who own the vB license don't like those pirates, I'm sure (I, at least, don't like 'em), but making it seemingly-public which user might or might not be a pirate-user, only inspires anger among people. Sure, the pirate-users are evil people who have an illegal copy of vBulletin, but that's no real reason to get the mass against them. They're just as much human as the rest of us, this ain't the Middle Ages where you point at people, proclaim they're a witch and try to get the mass against 'em!
If a new users hasn't yet entered his info, put them in a new User Group with only viewing capabilites (but not the Banned group), send a PM and/or e-mail to that user telling them to either input the license info, or in the case of "I'm a co-admin and my boss/whoever doesn't want to give me his info" tell them to have their boss/whoever contact vB to give the clearance for this particular user.
There's no reason whatsoever for threads such as this one to get hijacked completely because a Mod posts that "enter-license-info" message in it. Nothing good ever comes from it, as far as I can see, yet the hack (in this case a rather good hack which I really want, and so does the Infogrames Community (well, a part of it)) or original topic of that thread is forgotten more often than not, which is a shame.
I can really understand why Admins and Mods want users not to post here unless they can prove they either have a license themself, or work for someone who has - but I don't understand why the rest of us needs to know about this. If a user appears very much to be a pirate-user, then so be it. I won't like him or her, but I won't judge them so easily just because of that, and I really don't feel like having to read about this user probably being a pirate. I can judge people fine on my own, thank you very much, and if your only reason is to get that user to know they have to input the license info before they're really allowed to post, then that's what you guys implemented Private Messages for, and if not that, there's always e-mail, and to prevent the user from posting along and not reading that email because he entered an e-mail address he never checks, put 'em in a user group that can't post but only view, and read&send private messages.
No need to burden all the "good" users with licenses on this board with all that.
To v0n: I don't know about you, but I simply bought the life-long license - I love the vBulletin system, prefer it over any other type of Board I've ever come across (and I've seen many already) and I -know- that I'll be using my license for a looooot of years :)
The only thing it the $30 (or $35?) extra after a year, for every year, to regain access to the Membership Area, but that's not all that much to me...
Originally posted by 1337Devil
I can really understand why Admins and Mods want users not to post here unless they can prove they either have a license themself, or work for someone who has - but I don't understand why the rest of us needs to know about this.(...)
To v0n: I don't know about you, but I simply bought the life-long license - I love the vBulletin system, prefer it over any other type of Board I've ever come across (and I've seen many already) and I -know- that I'll be using my license for a looooot of years :) (...)
I bought one year license, mostly because the experience with UB2k - should vB remain same quality and support when my current license is over i have no problem buying the long term one. I hope it does, I hope I will. Slainte Mhath.
09-28-2001, 10:30 AM
The problem is that pirates DO actualy pay for a license and DO distribute it on the net for free with some minor alterations to remove the ID tag in the script.
This problem has been going on for years and IMHO will never stop as it is impossible to regulate.
There is a member of this board who posts quite alot on here and submits new hacks etc, he has a licensed copy of the software OK but he also rips the ID Tag from it and distibutes it on his websites. Many of which have been closed down ;) recently.
For the moment I have no proof as his latest site was removed by some nice person and he has not yet surfaced. BUT HE WILL.
I will not give the name of this person as it is not my job to do so although I will have his boards removed as soon as I find them active as TBH why the hell should we pay when others get it for free.
I dont mind in the least paying for the software as it is reliable and easy to modify and I only run the one copy and a test version I use to test new hacks on which is on my HD. I am also guaranteed any updates to the software as well as bug/security fixes.
When i first started running forums on the net I used EZBoard but it sucked big time and I wanted more control over my site for security of my members. I looked at the 2 main options UBB and vBull and decided to go for the new kid on the block as it looked nicer worked faster and was easy to install and move from server to server if I had to.
I tested the FREE versions of both software packages and found that I liked this one. So I PAID for it.
My friend BaldBouncer ran a forum on EZBoard and when I told him about the ease of use etc he too paid for it.
I can understand that the Mods are as sick as the Members over the "Please enter your details" problem, but there has to be an easier way.
Anyhow I have made a start by adding to my profile the names of several Admins on my forum who I wish to have assosiated with my name and details that I entered into MY profile.
These people are using my license on one single board namely and I wish for them to be able to post and participate in peace.
I TRUST the guys a lot but there is no conceivable reason why I should have to give them my details or them allow me access to thiers to add my details to thier accounts.
I have made a start so who is next ?
09-28-2001, 10:58 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by HairyMonster
I have made a start so who is next ?
09-28-2001, 11:03 AM
It should be done my email or pm in future as this post has now degenerated beyond its topic. As I am sure will many more if it is not addresses soon.
Maybe some extra spaces in the profile for people to add "Assosiated Members" to ?
I have added mine to the signiture for now.
09-28-2001, 11:05 AM
Maybe also and option for the Main Account holders nickname to be displayed under thier name or avatar to visibly help mods locate the relevent users info.
Main Account : HairyMonster
Registered: May 2001
Posts: 29
Or something Similar ?
Then Mods/Admins can click on the username of the account holder to see if he has the username added to his permision list ?
09-28-2001, 01:45 PM
That sounds sweet, a "Licence Holder:" thing under their name, or something, but it is still going to be hard on the people
that purchase this board, and are not going to work on it at all
o come here.. they have others working for them, that wil handle
all forums activity.
But yes, it does tend to ake you sick, when you read through a
thread and always without failure... come across "Enter your ...",
I feel I paid alot of money for this board, I should not have to
deal with your fight on piracy..(that's your problem/goal) We
should not have to see it every where.
I feel very sorry because I have asked for this to be split a coupe times, as it is destroying this poor guys hack thread. But the mods will not do it.... Perhaps they will just delete it all again and hope we forget, but we did not forget last time they delete it. ;)
Because here we are again.
PM or Email, Good Idea!
Steve Machol
09-28-2001, 04:03 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by 1337Devil
I was hoping to find some new info about this hack, which I -really- want to implement but still can't cos nobody is explaining to me how to do so, no everybody is talking about how the Mods and Admins constantly bore the rest by telling people to enter their license info etc. in their profiles.
09-28-2001, 04:16 PM
As for me, I only ask for license information when someone is requesting support. My request to YourHostSucks was tongue-in-cheek and not meant to be taken seriously. He/she has posted several times but in a helpful and informative manner. There have been no requests for support.
heh, I have a licence, I am just protesting... lol
I know I have a licence
The people at DigiBuy know Knows
Thank you for purchasing a vBulletin license(s) - your
The whole world does not need my:
Customer Number: 366************
Customer Password: *************d
So please do not speculate or imply I do not have one :)
heh :D
Steve Machol
09-28-2001, 04:23 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by YourHostSucks
So please do not speculate or imply I do not have one :)
heh :D
09-28-2001, 04:27 PM
heh :) Its all good....
09-28-2001, 05:17 PM
[QUOTE]As for the idea of sending people PM and Email for there license info, you would be surprised at how many software pirates disable these features in their user options.
Guys, they said they're working on it.
Takes time.
Give peace a chance ;)
09-28-2001, 08:21 PM
The developers of the forums only get paid through valid licenses. When they get paid, you get better support. By letting them know you're a paying customer, you're asked to enter your license information in your profile. Piracy can destroy excellent companies and products(as was part of the problem with Looking Glass Studios *sniff* :(), and there's nothing wrong with having them combat piracy as well as they can.
I understand how admins may not trust co-admins with the license information, and there's no reason they should have to give it out. The co-admins can give the main admin their login/password on these forums, and have the admin enter the license information. If the co-admins don't feel comfortable giving out their password, that's what the change password part of the User CP can be used for. Change it, have the license information entered, and change it back.
I think everyone agrees this isn't a perfect system, but for now it will have to do, and as a paying customer I think you should agree this will make things better for everyone(everyone law abiding that is :)). Piracy will be cut down on, prices will drop(we wish ;)), and you'll get better support, to name a few of the benefits.
09-29-2001, 07:15 AM
We are working on a solution at the moment. However it is not something that can be done quickly.
The piracy figures for vB are absolutely astonishing - back when vB 2 was first released, somewhere in the region of 50% of all vB's were pirated. I'm not sure what that figure is now but I doubt it's much lower.
We're doing our best to combat piracy, and this is only one of the things we're doing.
09-30-2001, 09:45 PM
I removed the option for users to NOT allow Admins to mail or PM them. I put all the users that had it turned off before I implemented this change, manually on ON myself, and now no one on my forums can NOT allow me to PM or mail them.
Might be useful for this forum, too :)
and yeah, I feared the piracy figures would be high, but then, they're high for nearly EVERY product on the internet such as vBulletin! Piracy figures for Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro are probably insane... :(
HairyMonster: I think it should rather be something like a profile field that only the vBulletin mods and admins can view, which is something along the lines of
License holder for the following usernames: <input field>
And another one is, for the people in that userfield:
Co-admin or moderator for the forum of Username: <input field 2>
That might work well enough...?
09-30-2001, 09:47 PM
oh and PLEASE don't delete this thread - I need this hack real much and I'm STILL waiting till someone, Anyone, can explain to me how to implement it! :(
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