View Full Version : Password Hack Needed

09-22-2001, 04:48 AM
I have ver 2.0.3 installed and running, but I need the ability to password protect a forum. The only hack I found for 2.0.3 was the one written by the german guy. I tried that and it did add the field option, but whenever I actually set a password, the forum displayed blank.

I need to either find a way to get that hack to work or get another hack to do the same thing.

I was also wondering if someone had a hack that would allow you to upload an image that would display when you viewed their profile.


almighty one
09-22-2001, 09:43 AM
u post this 2 times in the released area why do people not understand this is for released hacks not for ya requests grrr :mad:

09-22-2001, 11:59 AM
you could do achieve this by chaning user groups for the forum.. easy fix. next time post in the correct forum.

09-22-2001, 03:34 PM
Then why is this called the "Requests" forum???

09-22-2001, 07:45 PM
The moderator moved the thread.