View Full Version : Review Request on BETA Site

07-31-2012, 12:59 AM
This site is currently in work. Has some info pulled from 3 other sites while I add, edit, mod it to our needs. Please feel free to hit the site and provide your opinion and review on the style and functions.

This Review Request Includes:
Overall review of style and content.
Looking for a review on site layout and functions
I combined 3 of my sites into 1 which is easier for admin/mods to maintain.If needed you can login to check functions with the following info (not required to browse):
Username: Big Test
Password: tester007testerI know of the IE issue with the header, specifically the logon box location. firefox, opera, and safari display fine.

08-02-2012, 07:51 PM
It seems a bit way too blue, it needs a bit more life to it. I'm also not a fan of fluid widths, i usually advise people to go fixed. You should also find a way to pull more images, as visually it's impossible for me to tell what this website is about. A custom design would be ideal as well, assuming you have the budget.

3,882 posts and only 82 members, not a bad ratio :p I would definitely work on some marketing though, get the traffic rolling.

08-03-2012, 08:41 PM
thank you for your input.

i have a fixed style I'm working on. just getting the navtabs to fit and side blocks tweaked for different screen resolutions.

I have a couple brighter styles I've been working on as well. Just haven't implemented them yet.

08-07-2012, 03:02 AM
Instead of focusing on multiple styles, i would always work on branding a single style. It allows you to focus your attention to detail and user needs that much more and makes the development process that much less.

09-10-2012, 01:49 AM
thanks for the input. been real busy and haven't had much time to work on the style much. I took your advice and worked only one style. added/updated/customized a few mods and playing with vBAdvanced (http://mrdeids.com/cmps_index.php).

Hopefully in just over a month's time I can go live with it.