View Full Version : ? 2 instances on the same server

07-27-2012, 01:40 AM
hey people -
I'm running my live site (at Arvixe) from a directory called 'forums'.

I need a staging environment where i can test things and restore DB backups to to make sure repeatable processes are in place.
So... I created a directory called 'Staging' and also a staging DB.

Can i assume that... if i have vBulletin running out of 2 directories... and each is pointing to its own database... that the "wires won't get crossed" ?
For some CMS's I know there are architectural things to keep in mind to make sure one site doesn't mess up another.

But I'm not sure how stringent vBulletin is.
Can you help me out ?
I need to make sure I don't flub stuff up.

07-27-2012, 03:08 AM
I have a setup like that. In the config.php file, make sure you set a unique cookie prefix for each forum. And, if you use xcache, make sure you have a unique prefix set for that also. And, of course, if attachments/images are stored in the file system (database is the default), then you make sure to copy those over to their own directory also.

07-31-2012, 03:20 AM
Thanks Lynne.
So.... I should know the answer to this.
But - where do I see the location of images on my vBulletin installation (either in the DB or on disk ?)

07-31-2012, 04:37 PM
Are your images stored in the file system? If not then you don't need to bother with copying them over, they are in the attachment tables in the database and would get copied when you copy the database.

You can check whether it's file system or db storage: AdminCP > Attachments > Attachments Storage Type

As far as images are concerned, they'll all be in forums/images and the sub folders in there.