View Full Version : Connecting with Facebook connect causes 500 internal server error.

07-26-2012, 11:07 PM
I'm running 4.2.0 Patch Level 2. When I enable Facebook connect the button properly displays and seems to function. When I click connect it brings up my app and goes through the process. Once it completes it takes me to a 500 internal server error page.

I can no longer access the forum unless I disable Facebook connect. Any time I enable it I get the error. Anyone that has NOT clicked connect is still able to view the forums. Everyone that uses connect will experience 500 internal server error.

I have no idea what to do to fix this :(

07-27-2012, 12:37 AM
Do you have access to error logs on your server? They may contain more information about what caused the error.

07-27-2012, 02:43 PM
Yeah, I'll be checking them once I get into work.

07-27-2012, 03:53 PM
What version of vB are you running?

07-27-2012, 05:26 PM
I'm running 4.2.

This is solved now but im not sure which fix fixed it. We found another issue with open_basedir restrictions so we fixed that but we also installed a new SSL Certificate for the forum site.