View Full Version : Why are post counts wrong for some members?

07-25-2012, 02:31 PM
It's long been a pet peeve of mine that when a member's post is soft deleted, it still shows up in his post count.

But today I've got a user who's just joined and made a single post, but his profile says his Total Posts figures is 2. If I click on Find Latest Posts I see just one.

Where could his other post possibly be - a blog comment? - and why can't I access the second post from the Find Latest Posts link on his profile?

07-25-2012, 03:04 PM
Soft deleting a post just makes it invisible to members. Just visible to admins and mods. It's still there. When you hard delete it, it's really gone.
If the post counts are off just run the cron job or run update from the maintenance functions in the acp.

07-25-2012, 05:05 PM
Soft deleting a post just makes it invisible to members. Just visible to admins and mods. It's still there. When you hard delete it, it's really gone.
Yes, and in those cases you are able to access those soft-deleted posts from the user profile > Find Latest Posts.

But in this case there is no link to a soft deleted post. The profile says 2 but Find Latest Posts points to only one.

This is what needs solving.

07-25-2012, 05:50 PM
You could search the database post table for posts with that user's id, and see if there really are 2.

By the way, soft deleting posts *should* remove them from a user's post count (unless they're in a forum that doesn't contribute to post count, in which case they shouldn't be included in the first place).

Do you have any mods installed that might affect post count?

07-26-2012, 01:02 PM
Thanks, kh99.

The "missing post" got removed from the count when I ran a maintenance task for updating post counts. So I guess a mod hard deleted a post and the post count hadn't adjusted ... or something like that.

On soft delete not removing the post from the post count - yes, I have some mods and it's possible that one of those mods is responsible.