View Full Version : Custom form for private forum

John Lester
07-22-2012, 11:15 PM
What I want is a bit too complicated for my skill set. I also have to get approval from the board of directors and the lawyer before I can officially implement this idea.

Before I even approach them with this I want a working example to show them. If this is too complicated or time consuming for a free mod pm me an estimate of how long it will take and how much you'd like to receive. Payment would have to be via money order or pre-paid visa card as I don't have a paypal account anymore. Unless there are other online payment options (can I pay with a cc through paypal without having a paypal account?).

I want to create a new private forum (easy).

When you click on the link to the forum you get taken to a rules page with a radio button to check agreeing to the rules. After you click on the radio button the "post new thread" button becomes active (it's hidden until the radio button is checked).

Now the fun part .... upon clicking "post new thread" the user gets taken to a form. This form has multiple questions with all questions being mandatory.

Question 1 is a simple text field called "Diagnosis" width of input box should be 255 chars. Upon submitting the form this field should be bold and centered.

Question 2 is a simple text field called "Medication:" width of input box should be 100 chars. The user needs to be able to input (up to 20) "meds"

Question 3 is a simple text field called "Dosage:" width of input box should be 20 chars. The user needs to be able to input (up to 20) "doses"

Question 4 is a simple text field called "Times per day taken:" width of input box should be 4 chars. The user needs to be able to input (up to 20) "times"

Question 5 is a text editor (with limited bb code access ... font size, bold, italic, color and that's it) (char limit 8k) called "Hypothetical scenario" Upon submitting the form this field should be bold and centered.

I want the output to questions 2-4 to be in a table format with multiple rows with "meds" "dose" and "times" columns.

Upon submitting the form, a new thread is created in the private forum with the title "username's hypothetical scenario".

Rough idea of what the new thread should look like:


The flu

(table from questions 2-4 here)
Medication dosage times per day

tylenol 100mg 3
sudafed 25mg 2

Hypothetical Scenario

My doc said to follow that regime until my symptoms are gone. Is there a faster way to cure my cold?

Simon Lloyd
07-23-2012, 12:08 AM
Why not use bananalive's easy forms, it can do all that, then you're just left with the rules page and checkbox :)

John Lester
07-23-2012, 04:00 PM
Why not use bananalive's easy forms, it can do all that, then you're just left with the rules page and checkbox :)

I have been unable to get it to output the answers from questions 2-4 in table format :( I've been trying off and on for a couple of months now :D If you know how to do that (and fill me in) I'd be able to do this on my own :)

To make things even more complicated, I forgot to mention the required changes to the registration process.

I would need a radio button saying something like "yes I'm a licensed medical professional". When checked then 4 required text fields become active. First name, last name, state licensed is issued in, and license #. Upon clicking the confirm registration button, the user will be moved to a special user group (if the radio button is checked and all required fields are completed).

Simon Lloyd
07-24-2012, 07:00 AM
You can create some output formatting using both bbcode and some ASCii (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII) or Unicode (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode) like this:
Question BBcode: \r\n

Answer BBcode: \r\n

Section BBcode: \r\n
so you can fiddle around with how the output for those is and fiddle around with custom output the same way!

For the wiki's scroll down to see the possibilities.